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Alicia woke up to the smell of breakfast, as she rolls over in bed and notice that baby Genesis and Prince are not there. She gets up, puts on her robe, and head downstairs. The closer she gets downstairs she can't help but notice talking and laughter from Prince and a female voice. She enters the kitchen to find Genesis in his high chair, Prince flipping pancakes, and Elaine cutting fruit.


Elaine:"Good Morning Alicia" she gives Alicia a hug

Prince turns around from flipping pancakes "Morning sleeping beauty, breakfast almost ready baby"

Elaine:"I made fresh coffee"

Alicia:" me by surprise, Elaine when did you get in?"

Elaine:"After a three hour lay over in Chicago we finally made it in at 1 am, after all the chaos you two have been going through instead of flying back to California, I decided to just stay here in Minnesota"

Alicia:"Really?? where are you staying?"

Elaine:"I will be right here with you two, and baby G"

Prince:"She will be staying in the guest room, we need her assistance since Emma's gone and I need to reschedule the last 3 concert dates"

Alicia:"What do you mean Emma is gone?, she is just taking it easy for a few days, and did my mom leave?"

Prince:"We will discuss Emma later. Your mom fed Genesis his oatmeal this morning, said she will call to check in on us later"

Elaine:"Fresh fruit is ready Prince"

Prince:"Good then we ready" He grabs plates from the cabinet

Alicia walks over to Genesis and give him a kiss, he smiles

Elaine:"Baby G can eat, he loves fruit, I gave him a few mashed grapes"

Alicia:"Anything sweet he loves"

Elaine:"It figures just like his daddy"


Elaine:"His sweet tooth, it's ridiculous, aye Prince when the last time you been to the dentist?"

Prince:"I take good care of my teeth"

Elaine:"Yeah...but thats not what I asked you"

Alicia:"Come to think of it, we are due for a cleaning appointment"

Elaine:"See I knew it"

Prince:"Is it that time already baby?"

Alicia:"Yeah every six months"

Prince:"Now that you mentioned appointments you got a reminder post card in the mail from Dr. Jackie, thought you seen her already"

Alicia:"Oh yeah...I did I missed my follow up appointment, got to see if I can see her today"

Prince:"So soon, why are you going to see her seems like every two months?"

Elaine:"Everything ok?"

Alicia:"Everything is fine, just female stuff you know..."

Elaine:"Trust me I know...." she winks her eye at Alicia

Prince hands Alicia and Elaine their plates, and grabs his plate sits next to Alicia.

Alicia:"Thank you babe, looks good"

Prince:"Do you need me to go with you to the doctor?"

Alicia:"No....babe I'm good"

They talk and eat breakfast.

BABY I'M A STAROpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz