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The Nelson Chateau

After the heated argument, Alicia calls and invite Star over for girl talk and bonding time. Their talking in the living room, the kids are napping. Prince has left the house.

Star:"Girl don't worry about it, he'll get over it"

Alicia:"He was acting so damn crazy about it, I hate to see what he does if he knew about the other thing..."

Star:"Your not telling him are you?"

Alicia: A part of me wants to so he can deal with it and we move on"

Star:"That's going to really hurt him, he may lose control"

Alicia:"So what am I supposed to do Star?, he had a dream that I was cheating on him"

Star:"Oh wow...that's hitting it close, what is Prince a wizard or some shit?"

Alicia chuckles "No he's just....he dreams often about music"

Star:"Damn...I don't think you should tell him, or then again he may be out being unfaithful too"


Star:"I caught Andre ass in some lies, I was cleaning out his suitcase found condoms in there"

Alicia:"Condoms?? Why would he need.....oh I see, oh my god Star what did you do?"

Star:"I asked him about it, he lies talking about their not his he was holding them there for Bobby and the single guys on tour, if they ever need one, straight bull shit ass lies, I cussed him out, slap him, and he's been on the couch ever since"

Alicia:"Did he ever admit to the cheating?"

Star:"Yeah he finally did and begged me not to leave, I'm all for second chances but his dumb unloyal ass got a lot of making up to do before I can trust him again, right now we only communicate when we have to, he asked me about coming to see him tonight, I declined"

Alicia:"Star I'm sorry that happen, but now that I think back Prince was mumbling in his sleep saying "don't leave", and the last few weeks on tour he was skipping out on our long phone conversations, and phone sex"

Star:"He cheating too, sorry to say but it is what it is"

Alicia:"That little mutha....ooh"

Star:"Think about it, he start rushing off phone calls, not wanting phone sex, and got excuses he getting it from somewhere else, men are such low down dirty dogs"

Alicia:"Here I am feeling bad and his ass probably running a harem"

Star:"Question is what are you going to do, have you checked his bags?"

Alicia:"No, I will do it know hold that thought be right back......"

10 minutes later Alicia comes back with the two luggage cases Prince normally take out on the road.

Alicia:"Damn these are empty, he's cleared everything out already" She smells the bags for any signs of female fragrance, but the bags only smell like his cologne.

Star:"Prince is the type that likes to stay ahead, shit he probably cleared that out before he left"

Alicia:"I'm missing a bag....his hygiene bag is not in the bathroom or closet"

Star:"Hmmmm....where is he keeping it?, you know damn well he taking baths"

Alicia:"I don't know where that bag is, shit....." She scratches her head

Star:"Have you checked his underwear, shirt collars?"


Star:"Damn girl you never checked his stuff?"

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