Wandering Eyes

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Jeff rings the door bell to the Nelson's condo

Alicia answers "That was quick seems I just got off the phone with you"

Jeff stares at Alicia from head to toe admiring her choice of clothing for tonight a black sheer see through button blouse, black skirt with fish net tights and knee high boots.

Alicia "Jeff?"

Jeff "Oh yeah where was I? Are you ready to head over to the spot"

Alicia "Ahhh....yeah are you ok?"

Jeff "Yeah I just had maybe a few shots on the ride over, feeling good"

Alicia "Oh ok let me grab my coat"

Jeff waits at the door getting a view of Alicia's butt as she walked back upstairs to grab her coat, he come to the assumption that she was wearing a thong from the rare imprint of her skirt.

Jeff "Damn she cleans up nice" He mumbles to himself

Alicia returns with coat in hand "I am ready" she follows Jeff to his car "Are you ok to drive? You said you took shots"

Jeff " I am fine, no worries" He opens the car door for her and she gets inside.

On the ride over to the night club, Jeff talks about the upcoming tour dates and how big a deal it is to the company, reassuring that Alicia made the best decision

Jeff "Your doing great"

Alicia "Thank you"

Jeff "How does Prince feel about it?"

Alicia "He is very supportive, the only thing is time apart for our individual tours will be different, but sometimes things happen beyond our control"

Jeff "Yeah your right, it all works out for the good, but do not worry" He taps his hand on Alicia's thigh "I will take good care of you, your in good hands" He laughs

Alicia laughs

They arrive at the venue and the parking lot is packed to capacity, Jeff parks on the side corner a block from the club

Jeff "It never seem to amaze me the mention of Prince pop up concert and the whole town shows up"

Alicia "That's how it should be, bring the whole city out, my rock star" she smiles

Jeff "The one and only"

Alicia "Don't you forget it"

They enter the club, Prince and the band are performing "Soft and Wet" the crowd is going crazy. Elaine spots Alicia and makes her way over to the bar

Elaine "Alicia!!!" She shouts

Alicia sees her and waves, walking towards her Jeff follows behind

Alicia "Hey Elaine" she hugs her

Elaine "Ohh love the outfit very rock style!!"

Alicia "Thank you, you've met Jeff "

Jeff "Hello Elaine"

Elaine " Hi"

Alicia " Band is looking hot, how many have they did so far"

Elaine "Maybe 5 songs, they had a late start"

Alicia "Why?"

Jeff "Ladies I am going to chill by the bar do you want anything to drink?"

Alicia "No thanks"

Elaine "No thank you"

Jeff "Ok suit yourself, catch up with you later"

Alicia " Take it easy Jeff you are driving"

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