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Alicia hugs the toilet seat vomiting, Star holds her hair back while patting her on the shoulder,  basking in the after math of her actions taken hours before. Star had drove Alicia home, Kasseem and Shawn followed behind to make sure they got home safe. As they arrived at Alicia home, Kasseem carried her inside, she immediately ran into the hallway bathroom to vomit. 

Star: "Damn girl... you can't hold  your liquor for shit, don't ever do this again"

Alicia:" Oh my god.... Star I feel so dirty right now"

Kasseem knocks on the bathroom door "Hey Star is she alright"

Star: "Oh shit I damn near forgot they was still here, man they got to get their asses out, hold on girl' Star opens the bathroom door slightly "Kasseem she gone be alright, I need for you and Shawn to go now"

Kasseem: "Ok are you sure?"

Star:" Yes, I will stay with her"

Shawn:" Damn this a nice pad she got here, what type of work she into?"

Kasseem turns to Shawn "Go wait in the car Shawn"

Shawn waves his hand back at Kasseem:''Man I'm good wait a minute..'' He glances at the picture above the
fireplace. He points his finger at the face he sees.

 He points his finger at the face he sees

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"I seen that dude... what the fuck that's Prince..oh shit.. man we at Prince house!!" He shouts out.

Star: "Shhh.... he need to keep it down"

Just then Star hears a female voice

Emma: "Mrs. Alicia??"

Star:" Oh shit ya'll done woke the nanny up"

Emma walks up towards the hallway bathroom "Oh my god, who are you, where is Alicia?"

Star: "It's ok Emma this is Kassem and Shawn they were just leaving, Alicia in here with me, she not feeling good, she will be out in a minute"

Kasseem: "Hi Emma,  Star we're gonna go, tell Alicia to call me tomorrow" Him and Shawn leave the house.

Emma: "Do she need me to get her anything?"

Alicia still bent over the toilet "Eeeuugh"

Star: "No not right now"

Emma: "Ok well I am going back to bed"

Phone rings*

Star: "Shit I bet that's Prince calling, Emma can you wait in here with Alicia while I grab the phone?"

Emma: "Sure"

Star runs to get the phone, she answers on th 3rd ring.  Clock reads 2:30 am.

Prince: "Hey Baby"

Star: "Hey uh Prince"

Prince: "Star...where is Alicia?"

Star:" Prince she had a  little too much to drink tonight....she in the bathroom.. don't worry I got it under control"

Prince: "What the fuck Star, she drunk?''

Star:" Yeah she drunk"

Prince:"Put her on the phone"

Star:"She can't come to the phone right now"

Prince:"Than take the phone to her"

Emma and Alicia comes out of the bathroom. Alicia slowly walks over to Star.

Alicia:"Is that Prince?"

Star:"Here she go" Star hands Alicia the phone.


Prince:"Nah don't baby me, what the fuck is going on?"

Alicia:"Please stop yelling in the phone my head is spinning"

Prince:"You getting drunk, you don't even drink that much around me, what were you thinking?"

Alicia:"I wasn't...I was...just having a good time"

Prince:"You even sound deranged, just put Star back on the phone"

Alicia hands the phone to Star and falls face first into the sofa.


Prince:"Hey make sure she gets cleaned up, give her some aspirin, and water"

Star:"I was going to do that anyway"

Prince:"I will call her back later, I know she won't remember nothing I say to her now"

Star:"Ok and Prince don't be too hard on her, you know Alicia is not the type to get drunk"

Prince:"Could of been influencers, who kept handing her drinks?"

Star:"Nobody, it was an open bar"

Prince:"Hmph.. that figures"

Star:"Looks like I'm not getting any sleep no time soon,  tell Andre to call me"

Prince:"I will let him know, talk to you later" He ends the call

Star brings her attention back to Alicia who is know hugging the sofa, snoring loud.

Star shakes her head "Damn girl you out did yourself tonight, and this ain't even the icing on the cake"

She helps Alicia get cleaned up and cuddles in bed with her, awaiting Andre's call.

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