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Nelson Chauteau

Alicia, Elaine, and baby G are in the nursey.

Alicia: "Gosh its been raining all day, I had wanted to take you over to visit your cousin G man" she says to baby Genesis

Baby G babbles on and continues tap hard on his music keyboard.

Elaine:"Looks like you guys are starting him early, he has a natural flare for music"

Alicia giggles "Yeah leave it up to Prince he will have every instrument in his room"

Elaine:"Where is Prince?"

Alicia:"He should be in his office writing, or maybe even the music room, I convinced him not to go to the studio today, the weather is too bad, I know he will be glad when Paisley Park is finished"

Elaine:"What's Paisley Park?"

Alicia:"It's a musical compound  he invested, and building from ground up, includes multiple studio rooms, entertainment lounge, plus more and it will be our new home too, its beautiful!!"

Elaine:"It sound so much like him, a whole compound dedicated to music"

Alicia:"Yes he's very excited about it"

Phone rings**


Kasseem:"Hey Alicia, is Prince available?"

Alicia:"Hey he is working in his office, but why do you need to speak to him?"

Kasseem:"We just wanted to thank him, this place is beautiful it was nice to getaway from Minnesota weather for a few days"

Alicia:"What place?"

Kasseem:"What you don't know?, he sent us a getaway package 3 days 2 night stay to Tahitian Resort in Hawaii"

Alicia:"That sounds nice, who's with you?"

Kasseem:"Come on do you have to ask, Shauntel is with me"

Alicia:"Hmm...ok,  I will let him know of your appreciation"

Kasseem:"Alright cool, how is little man?"

Alicia:"He's fine, thanks for asking"

Kasseem:"Alright I must go now, be sure to let him know"

Alicia:"Alright goodbye" she ends the call

Elaine:"What's wrong?"

Alicia:"Oh nothing...."

Elaine:"Are you sure? you look bothered"

Alicia:"No....I'm fine"

Elaine:"You know what, you have been quite edgy all week, I think you could use some relaxation"

Alicia:"Are you going to send me on a getaway to Hawaii too?" she snaps

Elaine eyes widened:"I only made the reservations per Prince orders, but I thought you knew Alicia"

Alicia:"No I was left out in the cold again, but its ok"

Elaine:"I don't think that was his intentions at all, he just wanted to reward them for returning Genesis, don't get so worked up"

Alicia:"I could have been included in knowing the details of the reward"

Elaine:"I can't argue with that, look I think you and Prince need some alone time"

Alicia:"No, we're fine I will discuss with him later"

Elaine:"No I mean you and him need.....uh....maybe to love on each other"

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