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The Nelson Chateau

Prince has awaken and dressed to leave for the studio. He walks downstairs to find Alicia sleeping on the recliner with baby Genesis resting in between her chest with Alicia's right nipple in his mouth.

 He walks downstairs to find Alicia sleeping on the recliner with baby Genesis resting in between her chest with Alicia's right nipple in his mouth

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He smiles and covers them with an extra blanket, he kisses the baby and Alicia on the forehead. He looks across the room and notice she started decorating the lower portion of the Christmas tree. He leaves the house in route to the studio

Alicia's Mom House

11 Am

Alicia:"Wow you sure have rearranged some things, I like it"

Theresa:"Well after you left me and pebbles, I figured I would
redesign a little at a time"

Alicia:"Awww pebbles know I still love her"

Theresa reaches her hands out to grab Genesis from Alicia's arms "My little man is so beautiful, let's sit down" They sit down in the living room.

Alicia:"Mom I'm a mess right now, Prince is pissed at me"

Theresa:"Oh gosh we haven't talked since the Thanksgiving disaster, his step dad is an ass hole, what else happened?"

Alicia:"I lied to him and went to see Kasseem, not sure how he knew I went to Kasseem's house"

Theresa:"Well aren't you and Kasseem still friends, why would it bother him?, you two have hung out before"

Alicia:"Remember the draft night?, I went to see Kasseem, got drunk and we had quick sex"

Theresa:"Oh no Alicia!!"

Alicia:"Yeah I was so drunk that night mom, I am so disgusted, anyway Prince knows about it and said the friendship ended there, but I just don't see any harm with staying friends with him"

Theresa:"Alicia your digging a deeper hole, I don't know any man or woman would want their spouse to continue to see someone that they cheated with"

Alicia:"It was mistake but me and Kasseem has been cool, Prince track record isn't squeaky clean"

Theresa:"Let me guess, groupies right?"

Alicia:"Yeah, but we was working through our problems"

Theresa:"In order to make it work you got to stay true to your word, and hold up your end, if not he's going to feel like he can't trust you"

Alicia:"Your right"

Theresa:"How is he handling your record deal and New York travels??"

Alicia:"He doesn't want me to move there, he tried talking to Clive about letting me record my demos here with him, but that was a no go, I have to be in New York to record, so we agree to do split sessions"

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