Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

          On the day Anya was born, her parents knew she would be special. Though, maybe they did not realize that their view of 'special' was about to change. However, when Anya's mother held her daughter for the first time, she knew the small child was destined for great things.

          “Anya Andalily Harriet Thimes.” Her mother smiled at her husband. “A name fit for a duchess, yes?”

          The father chuckled. “She will do great things in your footsteps, darling.” He leaned down to kiss his wife's forehead.

          A royal physician walked into the room, curtsying before coming to the new mother's side. “And how is the new addition, Grand Duchess?”

          “Perfect,” Was the reply. She turned her head towards her husband and smiled tiredly. Lovingly, he brushed some loose strands of hair out of her face.

          The royal physician smiled at the exchange, knowing the young child was born into a caring family. “That is good to hear. Very good. I will leave the three of you alone now.”

          The anointment of the baby duchess was only a fortnight after that. All of the royal court attended, including the King and Queen with the young Crown Prince Mason. The hall was grand, large, and fit for the blessing of the young duchess.

          The little baby Anya was laying in a goose feather bed lined with silk. Her eyes were hardly open, her tiny hands were balled in fists. The priest recited the lines for the anointing and finished with, “May the gods ever be in your favor, amen.”

          The court echoed in a great sound of, “Amen.”

          After that, there was hardly anything Anya did that would be considered 'royal behavior'. Three-year-old Anya one day refused to be fed and made her own breakfast from then on, with the help of the cook, of course. No more fussy nurse-maids to force a spoon into her mouth. Though her mother reacted with, “No daughter of a duke and duchess should make her own food!” Her father, however, just found it all rather amusing, letting it happen and trying his best to calm his wife down. It would not be the last time he would have to do that.

          At age five, Anya met the captain of their guards. It was not hard for her to convince him to start giving her lessons in defense. Everything from fists to swords was taught to her, even after her father found out about the lessons. The Grand Duke figured it would not hurt to allow a woman to know how to defend herself and found himself calming the Grand Duchess down yet again.

          When Anya was seven, she walked around the town by herself after escaping the clutches of her nursemaid. She discovered kids who were not the offspring of royalty and immediately befriended them, enjoying the company of children who had freedom.


With her brown hair trailing behind her, Anya laughed. Her proper, intricate braids had fallen loose into a wild flow. She ran around with the other children, wearing a dress that was better made than the kids who giggled with her, but the carefree and innocent had no care for that. Anyway, she was becoming just as dirty as the rest of them. It was clear she was at her happiest right now.

          “Anya, yer it!” One of the smaller boys declared, revealing a toothy grin.

          Eleven-year-old Anya reveled in being the chaser. She could outrun all the kids her age and older with ease. “Alright.” She grinned.

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