Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two


          She stepped out of the shade, the sun immediately basking her in its glory. With a quick glance, she surveyed the landscape surrounding her; the bubbling river on her right, the tall trees to her other side, the ledge that ended the plateau she currently stood on... With slow determined steps, Anya made her ways towards the cliff, eyes straight ahead. She should have been frightened of her impeding death, but the only emotion she felt was a soothing calm. She stopped at the edge, her bare feet curling over it as she looked down. One deep breath and then Anya leapt off of plateau.

            The dream faded as Anya woke up, covered in sweat. She sat up and looked around, mildly surprised to find herself in an entirely different room than her own. Then she remembered; the men at her house and Mason rescuing her. She stood up and left the small room, looking for Princess Adara. There was no sign of her, but the bed in which she slept in was tidied up and made. Of course, Anya thought, she is a princess; she should be up long before dawn. Anya made her way to the large windows opposite her and drew open the curtains, letting the natural light of the sun illuminate the room. She turned to look around the room and spotted a small table by her current room with a note placed upon it.

            Curious, the woman made her way across the room to examine the thing. Anya picked up the folded parchment and looked within to find a note written in long, elegant handwriting;

            There is a bath ready for you in the other room. One of my maids can help you find it. I hope that whatever was bothering you while you slumbered no longer trouble you.



            Anya couldn't help but wonder why the family was so easily welcoming her into their lives. By all means, these people should be suspicious of her – much like Adara had been upon meeting her the previous night. Anya remembered something the night before that was overlooked due to her state of mind. All the royal family members would look to Mason for confirmation of Anya's identity. Obviously he had something to do with her return, but was there something else that he was hiding from her?

            Just as Anya was placing the letter back on the table, a maid entered the room, dressed in the uniform of the princess' personal staff. Anya smiled timidly and made her ways towards her. "Excuse me; can you help me find the bath?"

The maid raised her brow, appraising Anya. "You must be Mistress Anya. Her Majesty informed us that you might need assistance. Follow me."

Anya smiled in spite of herself as she followed the plump woman out the door and down the hall. The bath room was located only a couple doors down from the princess' own bedroom. The maid left and Anya climbed into the bath, enjoying how the water was still just warm enough. If these dreams continue, I may be in need of a bath every day. Anya thought as she rinsed her body before climbing out of the tub. Once she was dry, she pulled on the clothes that had been laid out for her; a creamy yellow dress with matching gold and white embroidered into its fabric.

Fully dressed with shoes to match her ourfit, she entered the bedroom once more and looked around for a suitable brush. Adara's maid must have thought of that as well, for there was an array of hair accessories waiting for her inside the room. She was combing her hair when another maid walked in, followed by a hurried prince. Anya looked up from her seat on the couch.

            "Your Majesty, please! You do not know-" The maid was saying as she tried to block the entrance.

            "Oh please, Lucille, she is decent. Just turn around and see for yourself." He waved a hand at Anya and sent her a wink and a smile before he faced the maid again. "Now will you let me through?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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