Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

             When Anya and Mason arrived back into the ballroom, the ball had already ended. Servants were already clearing away the tables and chair, sweeping the floor, and escorting some intoxicated people outside to their carriages. Very few guests were still there, Julie being one of them. Seemingly taking his time, Mason led Anya to the impatient-looking ginger.

            Just as they approached Julie, Mason stopped with Anya and turned towards her. “I should-”

            “Where 'ave you been?” Julie asked as she closed the distance between them and effectively cut Mason off. “I 'ave been looking everywhere for you!”

            “Mason was just showing me the garden.” Anya replied smoothly as she turned away from Mason. “We may leave now, if you wish.” She tried her best not to sound too eager.

            Mason’s eyes followed Anya’s as Julie grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the prince. “Great; the ball 'as been over for quite some time now. We need to go if I am to return the carriage on time. Good nigh', Your Majesty.” She curtsied to Mason before heading off towards the doors with Anya. Anya glanced back just in time to see Mason turn to speak to another guest.

            “You 'ad me worried!” Julie said, her accent slipping in and out. “I though' something had happened! Something dreadful… What did happen?” She eyed Anya.

            “Mason showed me the palace garden, just as I said.” Anya faked a smile, hoping to convince her. The two girls slid into the carriage that awaited them outside.

            “Anya, you are not tellin' me everything.” Julie gave her a look. “Please tell me wha' happened.”

            Anya shook her head slowly, the smile still plastered on her face. “All we did was look at the garden.” They passed the remainder of the ride in silence. Anya felt some guilt at keeping Julie in the dark, but she did not wish to worry her friend. Besides, for all she knew, the girl would agree with the prince. Neither of them knew what Anya had gone through. When the carriage arrived at the end of the paved road, Julie grabbed Anya’s wrist to stop her from leaving.

            “Ya woul’ tell me if there was something wrong, righ’?” Her friend asked worriedly, looking directly into Anya’s green eyes with her own blue ones.

            Anya allowed the fake smile to lift the corners of her lips. “Yes. Goodnight Julie.” She gently pried the girl’s fingers off of her before withdrawing from the carriage. She watched them leave before she finished the trek to her house.


Anya awoke to feet padding softly on the floors. Her eyes flew open in a flash and she jumped out of bed. Grabbing a blue cloak, she pulled it on and wrapped it close around her. Anya had no idea what time is was or even the day. For all she knew, it could have been the next night. She crept closer to the door, seeing a flickering light. Someone was in her house. Creaks and moans could be heard throughout the house, along with a whistling wind, making it hard to hear much of anything. Slowly, her hand reached out to open the door just as another hand grasped her, clapping a hand to her mouth. Her screams were muffled by the large hand as she struggled.

            “Anya,” A familiar voice tickled her ear. “It is Mason. We have to get out of here.” He whispered. “I will explain when we are safe.” He released his hold on her slowly. She whipped around to see the prince. He gently took hold of her hand and pulled her out the window to her bedroom. The wind picked up around them as they ran away from the house. Anya spared a glance behind her towards her home and saw as the flickering light of lanterns illuminated her bedroom window. Anya was unsure of what exactly was going on until she heard a voice that made her blood chill.

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