Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

          A rustling noise came from behind Anya. She stopped dead in her tracks and looked into the forest, seeing movement in the black shadows. The rain was only a small drizzle now that she was deeper into the woods, but Anya was still soaked completely. She shivered a little as she stared at the spot where she had seen movement.

          “Who goes there?” Anya called as she backed a few steps away.

          More footsteps echoed through the trees as Anya's heart began to race. “Nyetus, please tell me that it is you.” Her voice shook.

          Nyetus stepped out of the forest. “What are you doing here, Anya?” Nyetus questioned, sounding exasperated.

          Anya rubbed her temples. “The rain sounded too pleasant to ignore.” She made an effort not to look Nyetus directly in the eye.

          “What?” Nyetus asked slowly.

          “I wanted to take a stroll...” It was half true.

          Anya… Please, you need to trust me.” He glanced at the forest. “Do not come in the woods alone.” 

          He made her feel as if she were a little girl. “I am sorry, I just wished to be out here.” 

          “I was ordered to shield you. To do so I must tell you the dangers of what you are doing and remind you to stay safe.”

          “Dangers? Nyetus, I grew up in these woods and I was never hurt.” Anya reminded him. 

          “Anya, please. You have taken great risks lately and I do not wish to see you become hurt.” 

          “What am I so in danger of?”

          “I am truly sorry, but I cannot tell you those things…” He seemed apologetic as he added, “All I can tell you is that a great and terrible thing is coming… And it is coming after you.” 

          Anya’s head sprang up to look at Nyetus, deeply troubled and wide eyed. “Why me?” Her confusion turned to fear when he did not answer. Desperate, she grabbed his shoulders. “Nyetus, tell me what is going on!” 

          “I am terribly sorry, Anya, but I cannot reveal that to you.” He looked at her, as if sorry to cause her so much apprehension.

          Releasing him, she regained her composure. “I do not see how I can possibly put my trust in you when you so obviously do not reciprocate it.”

          A large hand placed itself gently upon her shoulder. “It is sometimes better not to know everything.” Nyetus spoke softly.

          Anya closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Can I know which direction my home is?” The disappointment in him was dripping from her words.

          Using the shoulder he had a hold of, he turned her to face him. “Anya Thimes, are you lost?”

          Anya could not believe it; he was teasing her. “Maybe,” She held her head up, despite her flaming cheeks.

          “Come,” He let go of her shoulder and offered his hand. She took it without hesitation and they headed off in the direction she had come from. His large hand enveloped hers in warmth and she shivered, not sure if it was him or the cold surrounding them that made her do so.

          If Nyetus noticed, he did not point it out, however. They walked in relative silence until they emerged from the forest, arriving at her house. The sun was now peeking out from behind the storm cloud and illuminating the wet earth.

          “Anya, can you promise me something?” Nyetus asked, letting go of her hand to look at her. “Please do not intentionally put yourself in peril.”

          “I cannot fathom why I would do such a thing, but I promise.” Her eyebrows pulled together in bewilderment.

          “Thank you. I bid you farewell.” Nyetus became more fuzzy until he was once more a brown wolf. He ran off into the woods. Anya went inside her home and fell into her armchair. Why did things have to be so confusing?

          A sudden cool breeze reminded her that she was still in her soaking clothes and she stood up, going to her bedroom to change as her mind still raced.

          Just what exactly had Nyetus meant? 


Yay! Another chapter! Please don't forget to comment, vote, and share! It's a great help and an inspiration for me! 

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