"Baby!" She shrieked and threw herself against Sammy, almost knocking me over in the process. Thank goodness Madison was beside me.

"Hey my love." Sammy kissed her full on and didn't hide the touchy feely vibe they always had.

Gilinsky whistled. "Tori, let's go check in while these two get their vacay on."

"I've gotta pee." Madison nudged me. "I'll see you guys in a second."

So Gilinsky and I walked to the main office building. Beyond it, the resort was stunning. Palm trees and all were sky high. The sun wasn't too bad today so I couldn't wait to get tanned. The smell of pool water was in the air.

"You okay?" Gilinsky asked as we waited behind a group of girls checking in.

I nodded. "Of course...why wouldn't I be?"

"After Nate..." He shrugged. "And now Sammy."

"Sammy?" I raised a brow.

"Everyone knows that he's way too into you Tori. I think you know too but you're afraid to admit it." Gilinsky said.

"Sammy and I are - "

"Friends? He doesn't think so and I think this Sofia thing is just an act to make you jealous."

I laughed. "I swear I'm not even bothered by it. I know we're together 24/7 but I don't have feelings for him. I can't think of someone else because..."

"Nate?" Gilinsky finished for me.

I nodded. "I miss him." My voice kind of snapped at the end and it sounded like I would cry.

Gilinsky slid an arm around me. "Hey, I know its gonna work out alright? You just gotta have some hope."

Suddenly Madison was on the other side of me. "And we've hung with Nate a few times. He loves you."

I smiled. "Damn it! I missed you guys."

After checking in and getting our keys to the chalets - we all drove down to it to unpack. There were two chalets centered around a massive pool. In the distance the actual resort stood - more pools and waterslides and the works.

"How about me, Tori and Madison in one of the chalets." Gilinsky said as we all stood to decide where we were staying.

I nodded. "I'm cool with anything."

"Jade and I will take the side with Wilk and Sofia." Emily noted. "Benny can take the other room with you guys."

We all agreed.

As we lugged our luggage to the different chalets, I caught Sammy's confusing eyes on me. There was something in his whole mood and demeanor that I couldn't place. But I didn't like it.


"Dinner was so gooood." I groaned as we all sat along the pool area.

Emily laughed. "It was just pizza. I guess I'm more of a taco girl."

"You're crazy." Gilinsky shook his head.

Sammy tipped in. "Don't mention pizza or Tori might just start a four hour conversation. I've been through that."

I splashed Sammy playfully with water, earning a greater spray from him. Sofia made a face.

"I don't know how you can put that in your body." Sofia shook her head.

Nobody said much to that. Sammy just wrapped his arms around her waist and that seemed like the end of that convo.

So interesting.

"So let's hit that little bar we passed near the reception area for tonight?" Benny said, who had arrived shortly after dinner.

Jade clapped her hands. "Agreed!" She had come in her own car.

"What about Tori?" Sammy asked almost immediately.

I shrugged. "What about me?"

"You're pregnant." Sammy shot me a duh look. "You can't - "

"Dude." I laughed. "Its not like I'm gonna drink! I can just shoot some pool with you guys."

"Yeah." Madison agreed. "I mean it would be fun. And I won't drink either."

"Can't make any promises there." Emily snorted and winked at me.

"Then let's go!" I said excitedly. "I don't wanna be treated like a wounded deer."

"Alright." Sammy gave in. But his eyes darted worriedly over me.

Gilinsky spoke again. "Anyone find it weird how the people in the next chalet have been playing Skates music?"

I heard Sammy make a weird sound.

But I laughed. "At least they know some good music." Ofcourse I would defend him.


The bar was pretty lit. It was almost like a club - and packed with people on their own vacay. There were dance areas, pool tables, a few bar areas.

"There's an open spot!" Emily pointed to two open lounging spots.

We all settled down there while Gilinsky called a few bartenders for drinks. It was kind of fancy and official up in here. The music was good too and I'd probably dance but I'd just look like a little ball rolling around.

Everyone was so sweet. They all took turns to sit with me, I didn't want to complain alot but my feet were hurting so I sat most of the night.

"Okay! We have to do a shot." Emily clapped her hands. "Tori, we have a virgin shot for you...even though you aren't very virgin now." 

I laughed and tried to hide the redness of my cheeks. "Okay okay! Let's just do this."

Benny brought the shot tray over. Each of us took one and I took my virgin one being extra careful not to mix it up.

"To friends!" Jade yelled. And we took the shots quickly.

Gilinsky exclaimed. "Shit! That's some strong stuff there."

Just as I was about to say something in response. My name was yelled from behind us.


I spun around and came face to face with the last person I expected to find here. I know everyone else froze just we I did.

It was Nate.

"Nate?" My eyes widened. His entire crew was behind him and I noted the great number of females.

He looked angry but most of all shocked and concerned. "Are you drinking!?" He demanded looking at the shot glass in my hand.

"Its virgin." I said stupidly.

Emily giggled and whispered over my shoulder. "Even though she's not very virgin."

Nate didn't find it funny because the first person he turned to was Sammy.

Filler because I had to update!! I don't mind all the bad comments you guys have to say after all. I guess everyone has their opinion and that's human nature!

I just hope y'all enjoy!

An Arranged Marriage ❉  n.mDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora