Another boring class for Agatha came. Her eyes were getting droopy by a second. She was forcing her eyes to stay open. But she couldn't help it. Their Statistics teacher drawled on and on about charts and Agatha couldn't care less about it. As the teacher asked questions with the answers are yes or no. She either nods or shake her head. She takes down notes of the important things with her head going up and down. She couldn't sleep in class like this. She was in the front. She looked sideways checking if Jamie can see her getting sleepy and fortunately, she wasn't. Agatha knows that if Jamie catches her getting sleepy, she'll smirk at her. Then she's going to continue label her as 'Sleeping Beauty' for the rest of the day. She rested her chin on her hand in hopes of her head not falling down. Bad Idea. It only made her even more sleepy. She sat as straight as she could. She continued writing.

Kyle listened to the teacher as serious as he could. Alas, he could not. He was bored. He just stared at the White Board as their teacher talked about- he doesn't even care. The teacher just went on and on. It's like a carousel that never ends. In front of him was Agatha. He looked at her as her head started to go down. Then it jolted back up again. He smiled, entertained, at what was happening. She was getting sleepy. She's always like that. Getting sleepy in most classes. Agatha looked sideways, he followed her gaze and looks like she was checking Jamie. Jamie and Agatha has the strongest friendship he has ever seen. Agatha was the sun to her moon. The warm to her cold. The white to her black. The smile to her frown. Agatha always has that electric personality in her. Sometimes she might be lazy but she always has their backs. She's the one guiding them through the days. And she's one hell of a writer. She's got the wickedest- if that's even a word- poems in school. She's like the Jiminy Cricket of the group. Only more- reckless. He checked on her again. Her eyes were already closed.

Erin was at the back of the class. He might be apart from his friends but at least he has a good view of them. He looked at the one in a million friend of theirs. He smiled as he saw her getting droopy. Daniel, being beside her, started nudging her but to no avail, she still wasn't awake. He looked at Jamie and saw her laughing silently at the redhead. Agatha looked at Jamie and she quickly turned her attention back to their teacher, pretending she didn't see anything. Even Kyle was laughing now. Agatha was always the one getting called out in class for sleeping. But even with sleepy eyes, she has a very awake smile. Her smile brightens up their day. She's like ginger Snow White. Except to the facts that she wasn't the fairest in the land and she's not so kind to animals. Being the smallest in the group, they always use her as an arm rest. Except for Jamie since she was only 3 inches taller than her. And unlike Jamie she doesn't care if somebody calls her shorty. Just don't call her ugly. Funny thing is that Jamie doesn't care being called ugly. Agatha the supportive friend in the group. She encourage their decisions. He looked at her again to see Daniel face-palm.

Daniel listened to the teacher intently, learning the basic things about charts. He took down notes as fast as he can. He raised his hand to recite. He answered correctly when he was called. He looked down on his notes and smiled. It was still organized even though if he's rushing. He looked at Agatha beside him. Her eyes were getting droopy. He looked at her then to their teacher. He was surprised that she wasn't called out this time. It's funny to him that Agatha's this bored when it comes to lessons but every break, lunch and dismissal, she's always so lively. He'll be lying if he told someone that Agatha doesn't favor reading. Give her a fictional book filled with fantasy or adventure, she'll read it in no time. But then again, if you give her an academic book, she'll sleep on it. He nudged her in hopes that she'll stay awake. She nodded and mumbled 'yeah' every time he nudged her. She was writing notes. He peered over her hand to see scribbles. He rolled his eyes and looked back at their teacher for a few moments. When he looked back at his friend, she was already asleep.

Jamie rested her head on her hand. She was bored again. She was seating next to Andrea Berg, one of the most brilliant student in class. Her eyes were getting droopy. She almost fell asleep but then she remembered that if a subject was boring enough to make her sleepy, Agatha must be asleep right now. Jamie jolted up and looked at Agatha. Agatha's head was falling causing her to hold in her laugh. Agatha is the friend that she's so close with. She shared her minor secrets to her. She knows that she can trust her. Agatha always supported and comforted her. They always have each other's back. Both of them has a wild imagination and they share an interest in fiction. They're like Tinkerbell and Peter Pan. Alice and the Hatter. Ron and Harry. Grover and Percy. For most students, they see the two as opposites like a Gryffindor and a Slytherin. Fire and Frost. White and Black. Warm and Cold. Summer and Winter. But that's the thing that made them closer. They balance each other. One is a shining princess while the other is a broken little porcelain doll. She was war and Agatha's peace. But there were times that they're both equally mad as the Hatter. Jamie laughed as she saw Agatha sleep. Her smile vanished when she remembered her secret. She pulled down her shirt and focused her attention back to their teacher.

The bell rung signaling lunch. The five sat down near the Apple tree. They already reached half of the day. They all ate in silence. Hans passed them. He stopped halfway and raised his eyebrow. He walked back to the quintet.

"You all seem pretty silent for the first half of the day." He looked at each of them.

The five looked at each other and said.

"Deep thoughts."

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