Chapter 8 - John's New Companions

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John went into his hole and tried to wake the boy, which he found sleeping in his little place while he was gone. John watched Paul as he stirred in his sleep. The brown haired boy slowly opened his eyes. Paul and John locked their eyes together. Then Paul sat up and tried to get out, but John grabbed him and held him back. Paul screamed and tried to break free.

"Sh, im not goin' to hurt you..." John said and finally got a hold of the younger boy. 

"You can sleep here. I don't mind. Just sit!" John shouted the last two words and Paul quickly obeyed. 

As John watched Paul, Paul's big doe eyes showed a hint of fear. John knelt down to Paul's level. Paul began to tremble, he was afraid of what this older kid might do to him. 

John laid his hand on Paul's shoulder, looked calmly at him and sighed.

"Im John." John held his other hand out for Paul to take. But Paul didn't take it, but just stared blankly at John. He scooted further backwards but didn't make it far, until he ran up against the wall. 

"I just want to be friends." 

John realized that every inch he got closer to Paul, the more fear came over his eyes. John smiled at him, so to ease the tenseness in the other boy's eyes. Paul's lips formed a small smile too. But soon faded once John began to laugh. 

"No, no-" John tried to control his laughing. "I don't mean to laugh at you. IM laughing at the way we're communicating." 

Paul tilted his head to the side in confusion. John just shook his head and sat next to Paul. THis time he didn't move.

"Whats your name?" John asked, after he was finished with his laughing. 

Paul looked up at him sleepily. John noticed for the first time that this boy's eyes looked sorrowful. They looked tired and lost. 

John put an arm around Paul's shoulders and pulled him closer to him. Paul tensed up a bit but then relaxed once he realized what John was doing.

"Whats your name?" John asked again.


"Paul? Thats cool." John smiled.

Paul look up at John, John looked at him.

"You live 'ere?" Paul asked.

John nodded and looked around. "Just arrived!"

"From where?"

John moved over to his bag and sat down. He took his jacket off and laid it on the ground. Then patted it, indicating for Paul to come and sit.

"From home." John said as he laid down.


"My brother and father never showed up."


"Because...i don't know." John shrugged.

Paul laid down and the two were facing each other. Paul cracked a smile and began to laugh. Making John smile.

"Your getting better." John exclaimed and patted Paul's head.

Paul nodded and moved to get comfortable.

"Alright. Its daylight almost. Want to keep moving?"

"You don't live here."

"Well this is a...resting place. Im gonna move out of Liverpool."

"But why?"

"I want to be as far away from my family as possible."


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