Chapter 33 - A Brilliant Idea!

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I got out of the hospital today and got to go home. Being introduced to Paul was a bit weird, spite the fact i knew him already. But the thing is, he's looking more towards George now. I mean when i was with him years ago he looked up to me, but now its George, since George was so nice to him the other night, supposedly. Ringo told me all about it though so i know from him. 

"How is it John?" Marin asked, for the second time.

"Its fine. Same as usually." I shrugged. 

"No! Stop." I heard Paul's voice outside the room. Maggie was jumping up and down trying to get Paul's apple in his hand.

"Maggie, come here." I called to her. She perked her ears up and looked at me, but didn't listen. I patted the side of the couch next to me for Paul to sit down, which he did. 

He took a bite out of the apple and Maggie watched him intently.

"Can i give 'er some?" Paul asked, holding up a little bit of apple.


Maggie took the piece happily. Paul laughed. I really did like Paul this way. He was so clueless of what happened, not worried or anything. Of course when i first got home he asked what happened to my arm and i told him but his mind is back in the past so he didn't show much sympathy. As much as a 5 year old could show i guess. But I just don't like him to be scared or worried, specially worried about me. And if he didn't lose his memory then he would probably stop the band, or try too. Its my band anyways.

"Wanna play something?" I asked him.

"Your phone?" He looked at me with a smile. 

"Alright." i said and handed him my phone to play some games i had on there. 

"John, we need to make some adjustments on the studio recordings." Richie said.


"I mean just to say...i don't know."

"Wait, do you think this person, who is after us, do you think he or she is involved with that Bieber kid?"

"He's old."

"No the son."

"John you really sound like your gonna kill some one, or just get angry."

"Im angry. Always have been at these people. But i think that Bieber kids got something to do with it. We got to ruin his act."

"He's playing tonight actually."

"Well, lets see how many of his fans want see the Cute Beatle in person!" I smiled.

"Paul is  in no condition to go out in a mob and be harassed by screaming fans. He would be scared and not sure whats going on."

"Not if i talk to him. Then i got to get some of the gang together and-"

"No. John thats not good."

"Kidnapping? So? Who would miss him. This is a must. Because i want some answers."

"This isn't you."

"It is to me. Im John Lennon. The one who does things, naughty things. In the 50s John used to steal things. When he was 6!"

"You are John and its not you in the past that is you of today..." Ringo thought through what he just said and shook his head. "No. Never mind. That John in the 50s is not you. Is what i meant to say. You are just look a like. For all we know fans must think, so they really can impersonate Paul or a Paul-is-Dead rumor."

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