Chapter 9 - New Home

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I think you all will love this one!! <33 :D


Richard woke up before the other two and woke them up. John didn't want to be wakened but he got up.

"What is it?" He whispered.

"They will be coming soon." Richard whispered.

"Oh. Well, lets go then. Paul?"

"Yahum?" Paul smiled sleepily. Richard chuckled a bit at the little boy's expression.

"Ready to go?" John asked him.

Paul nodded and rubbed his eyes sleepily. Richard handed John back his jacket and they left. 

"Do you read?" John asked.

"Not at all. Im probably at Paul's level in school."

"Oh, Paul isn't even educated."

"Well what about you?"

"I can read a bit. I taught myself how too."

"Nice. Well where shall we go?"

"Um, some where to eat."

"Do you have money?" Paul asked Richard, who looked back at him and nodded.

"How much?" John asked.

"A lot."


"Before my mum was burned up she told gave me some money to give to a family down the road. But when i heard an explosion i ran back to the house and saw it was all in flames. The fire department was there and so i just ran off. I didn't know what to do."

"Im sorry Richard." John put his hand on Richard's shoulder, his blue eyes were watery.

"Its okay." Richard took a deep breath and whipped them away. "Shall we head on?"

"Yup. Oh Richard?"

"You can call me Richie, and yes?"

"Do you have enough to get a room some where?"

"No. Just food. Hotel rooms cost a lot of money!"

"You seem to know a lot for not knowing a lot." John chuckled.

"IM older aren't i?" Richie grinned.

"Whens your birthday?"

"7 July. Yours?"

"9 October. But im still in charge. Since i started on this journey!"

"Fine. Your the leader. Now shall we get something to eat?"

John noded and the boys walked into a shop. Richard looked around and pulled some things off the shelf.

"John can you see how much moneys here. I rely on you."

"Oh. Yeah. Im not too good at maths tho."

"Dont mater. Lets ask the clerk."

John nodded and they walked up to the register.


Paul looked around for his two other friends, who had left him. He didn't know where they had gone. He looked threw every lane but couldn't find them. He panicked.

"Oh are you looking for some one?" A lady asked Paul.

"My friends. I cant find them. I-i don't know where they are." Paul began to cry.

"Whats your name?" The lady asked.

"Ppaul." Paul looked up rubbing his eyes.

The lady nodded and took his hand. Paul followed her. They went into a back room.

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