Chapter 14 - First Day Of School

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Yes its a LONG chapter......i just couldn't get to a good stopping point...


Paul's POV


I cant describe how nervous i was. I was on the verge of where i could begin to shake. John said i'd enjoy it, of course i don't trust John on that. I didn't want to leave mum, i wish she could be with me. I wish John could. Thats why i agreed to go to school, i thought John would be with me. But then i heard that John wouldn't be with me and i tried to ask to stay home. But i couldn't make me. I didn't want to let mum down, or tell John i was scared.

"Paul?" Mum poked her head into our room. George was just pulling his trousers up.

"Hi mummy!" George grinned nervously.

"Hello George, are you all ready?"

"Yes!" George smiled and ran out.


I looked at her from the ground. I was practicing tying my shoes. She knelt down and put my head between her hands.


I looked down at my shoe and finish tying it. I blinked some tears away that slid up to my eyes.

"Hurry up Paul, we have to leave soon." She sighed and walked out. Marin came in looking for something.

"Paul, have you seen my book?" She asked me.

I glanced up and shook my head then stood up and grabbed my back pack.

"Paul!" She turned me around.

"What?" I asked a bit nervously.

"Did you hear me?"

"Yes i said no."

"Oh, well...oh well. Come on we better go." She took my hand and dragged me out of the room.

We got into the car and drove off. School was not very far. Kids were going in into a big building. Some laughed and chased eachother. Others sat outside and talked. I guess this wouldn't be too bad.  

"Paul!" a tap was set on my shoulder. I blinked and turned around to see John.  

"We've stopped." 

I nodded and said by to mum and got out with John. Marin walked me and George and Ashley to our classroom. John said bye and me and George sat down next to eachother. Ashley sat in the next row across from us. Kids began to come in, mainly girls. Ashley began to talk to a girl next to her. Me and George were ignored. Class began once the teacher entered.  

"Children I would like to introduce 4 new students. Ashley Williams." the teacher called and Ashley stood up and waved. Everyone cheered and applauded.  

"Then Silvia Monroe." 

The girl Silvia stood up and waved. A few cheers to her. 

"George Williams." 

George stood up slowly and shyly waved and sat down quickly. A boy 'boo-ed' George and George retorted with the same. I motioned to him not to. 

"Paul Williams." The teacher said my name and smiled then put her phone down. 

I couldn't get my self to stand so I just sat there. The teacher looked at me then cleared her throat. 

"Well class let's begin our maths." 

Math went by quickly, but I hated it. I was glad when lunch time came around. Also known as recess.  

George and I went to a table to eat. I was hoping to see John but never did. Ashley was with the girl she met in math class.  

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