Chapter 34 - Problem Solved

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I was the last one up the next day. My shoulder still hurt really bad, but the pain medicine helped. 

"Hows Paul?" I asked mum. She turned from the pan and put her weight on one hip then sighed.

"Hes a lot better compared to yesterday. Still is getting used to who i am and the others though. He was asking when you would be awake."

"Where is he?"

"Outside playing ball with the dog."

I walked out and joined him. He looked half asleep but he threw the ball for Maggie. He looked at me when i sat down. 

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hm." Paul nodded and looked down.

"Whats wrong Paulie?"

"Have you ever had that feeling where you felt you didn't belong some where?" He asked.

"Yeah, all the time at my house. After me mum died that is. Well, even before that."

"I feel it."


"I don't know." Paul shrugged.

"Paulie, come in here a minute." mum poked her head out the door.

Paul got up and walked inside, Maggie and me following close behind. Mum got something from the cabinet and poured it into a glass, then poured milk in the glass.

"Drink up." She handed it to Paul.

"Wh-what is it?" Paul asked a bit nervously.

"Something to make you feel better."

"Its not that?!" I gasped.

"No, no not something like that. i would never let you touch that. Now drink up Paul."

"You mean down." I smiled.

"John." Mum glared at me. I chuckled then looked at Paul.

"Go on, lad. Don't wanna wait all day!" I told him.

Paul looked at the glass then drank it all. He swallowed then wiped his mouth.

"Nothing." He simply said.

"Just wait." Mum said, still waiting.

Paul's eyes started to close and then he fell face foreword into mum's arms.

"John, take Paul...never mind." Mum said and carried him to the couch, with a struggle. 

"I could of helped." I said.

"Not with your arm."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "What was it?"

"Something to help his memory. Its a new thing. Some side effects but not major. He at least gets his memory back."


"Yup. The doctor said they tested it, but wanted to test it on some one else. So it was free."

"What if it doesn't work?"

"Then Paul will have to recover the old fashion way. Right now sleep is what he needs. Though he'll wake up in 30 mins."


Maggie went over to Paul and sniffed his hand, then began to whine and wag her tail. 

"Its alright Mags. He'll be alright." I rubbed her behind her ear.

"John," Marin came from the hall way. "My friend would like your autograph."

"Uh, alright. Whats her name?"

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