Chapter 3 - John Meets New Friends

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The door downstairs slammed shut, and an engine started. John quickly ran to the window to look out. 

'Yes alone again.' he thought and jumped on his bed, laughing.

After he had jumped on his bed and run around like a wild animal, he ran downstairs and into the kitchen. Opened the fridge and pulled out some milk, then bread and made a peanut butter sandwich. 

He went to the living room and sat on the couch. Pulled out the remote and switched on the TV. He wasn't familiar with the TV so he just watched what was on. It was some sport. In fact, John was not familiar at all with the TV. 

John's eyes kept turning to the window. He watched for the car to come back. e turned the TV off and went to get a better view out the window. 

He sighed and went upstairs. Then hopped on his bed and took out his drawing pad. He doodled for half an hour then looked out his window. Still no sign of the car. Kids were coming back from school. Chasing each other and laughing. John looked down at his dirty hands then back out the window.

'What ever, i don't have to stay in here...if i just don't tell them they'll never know!' John told himself and smiled.

He grabbed his boots and ran outside. A boy about his age and his friend were laughing and pushing each other. They were walking down John's side of the neighborhood. 

"Hi!" John waved at them as they passed.

"Hey." One said and kept on walking and talking to his friend.

John frowned and watched the boys as they went farther down the side walk and up to a house. He sat down and sighed. 

'No one cares about you Johnny. Your filthy and a runt.' John told himself, whipping a tear that managed to come out. 

"Hello, i haven't seen you here, or at school." A voice said. John looked up to see a boy, a girl standing next to him.

John stood up. "Hi."

"Do you live here?"


"I where do you go to school?"

"Uh, here." John pointed to his house.

"Oh, at home. Well, what are you doing?"


"Want to do something?"

"I guess." John shrugged.

"My names Lacy. Yours?" The girl introduced herself and held out her hand.

"John." I shook her hand.

"My names John too." The boy laughed.

John smiled. "Really?"

"Yeah! Whens your birthday?" He asked.

"Um, the 9th of October. Yours?"

"Ah, mines tomorrow. Want to come to my party?"

"I...i uh...don't know." John said.


"N...yes. Im busy!"

"Okay, well can you come over and maybe we can play something. I want to get to know you."

"Why are you inviting me? You hardly know me."

"Because, all my friends are busy and i wanted some one to come over. And sense you cant come to my party i wish for you to come to my place!" 

"Please say yes!" Lacy pleaded.

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