Chapter 6 - John Finds a 'Home'

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John was nearer to Penny Lane but decided against it. It was a small town and he would be found by his father, if he was even coming back. John had his brother's knife and ipod with him, along with some money, so he would be accused of stealing if he were to be found by his father, and if he found out he, John, would get a good whipping. 

An alley way was where John end up turning into. It was dark but according to the Ipod, daylight would be here shortly. John traveled along the dark place. He dreaded the dark. 

He thought he had heard someone behind him, but it was only his imagination. Their was a little whole in one wall. He crawled under it and took out his light. It was small but big enough to fit two kids his size. He set up his belongings and laid down on his jacket. Looking out of it. It was a good hiding place. No one would realize someone was in here. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep. But sleep was impossible. So he got up and walked further down the alley way to see what was beyond it. It was a small town, really small. A shop was right on his right so he went over. All was quiet. 

John tried the knob and it was unlocked. 

'What kind of person does this?' John asked himself. He walked in. Found a pile of apples and took one. He was turning around when the lights turned on. 

"So your the one!" The man growled.

John shot out of the shop and kept running then turning and ran into his whole. The man went farther but stopped he looked around then sighed and went back. 

"Well it was only an apple." He mumbled to himself and shook his head. 

John smiled and looked at his prize. It was his first time to actually steal something. He looked in his pocket for the knife, then found some cash.

'I should go pay for this.' He said and stood up. Taking the new apple back with him. He walked into the shop, the man glared at him from behind the counter. John smiled slightly and put the apple back. The man looked at John confused now. John took his cap off and stood at the counter.

"Sir, i forgot i had some cash. So is this enough for the apple i took?"

"Yes...kid where do you live?"

"I, uh, well am running away."

"You are?"

"Yes, and please, if anyone asks for me, tell them you haven't seen them. I don't want to go back to my house."

"Alright. Don't you want to stay here."


"In the back?"

"No. I don't want too. Im moving on soon."

"Where are you from?"

"Liverpool. Why?"

"Your now right off of Liverpool in BLackpool. So i don't know if they would look for you here."

"I don't care. I said im moving on."

"Okay." The man shrugged.

"Okay. Here ya go." John hands him a one pound note.

"Alright. And heres some extra change back." He handed John some little coins. John nodded and took the apple. He bit into it and left.

He walked back to his cubicle...only to find a little boy, sleeping, in his whole.


Short IK!

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