Chapter 42 - Telling Them The Truth

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1 February

            Well its been a while. Yes very very long while. But everything is great! I hope…

Well how did things come about.

We’ve had a few attempts on our lives. Me and Paul that is.

First things first. I came out of the hospital a few months ago because I still was recovering from a car crash when I was kidnapped again.

That’s not clear but here’s something more thorough.

            First time we were kidnapped, I found Paul and Sarah coming in with guards. Then we, me and Paul, were put in a truck. Which then some how collided and I was injured, bad. Then while in the hospital I was taken again, Paul was two and we were both put in a machine…and so on then we got back here.

            This is really horrible if you ask me. But nothing is going to stop me from created this band. I love music and ill do it just for the love of it.

Anyways, we will be leaving for America in two days. We were book a few weeks ago so the boys and me were putting an act together. (What songs we would play that is)

I really can't wait to visit America it will be great, I think. But anyways. I'm off.


John got back to his bed and laid down. He picked up his phone to call Lidia.

“I need to tell you something.” John said once he got hold of her.

“Okay. What is it?” Lidia asked eagerly.

“Want to meet somewhere? And bring Sarah, I'm bringing Paul.”

“How about the park?”

“Okay.” John said goodbye and hung up. “Paul we’re going to the park.”

“Why?” Paul looked up from his guitar.

“To tell some girls the truth about us.”

“Why?” Paul shrugged and fingered at his fret board.

“Paul, they need to know. We promised to tell them. And we have to do it now.”


“This wont be any different.”

“I hate explaining.”

“Oh come ‘ed Paulie.” John pulled his coat on and walked downstairs

            The girls were waiting for them on the bench in which they usually sat at. Paul sat next to Sarah and John next to Lidia.

“Well?” Lidia looked at John curiously. “What’s wrong this time?”

“Well, we’re going to America soon.”

“I knew that John.” Lidia giggled. “What is it you want to tell me?”

“Um, do you like science?”

“Its okay.”

“Hey can I get into the conversation?” Sarah joked.

“Alright first I’ll tell me part.” John stood up.

“Can't you just tell both our parts?” Paul asked shyly.


“John, Paul! Can I have your autograph? I'm going to America to see your first show!” A girl ran up, her friend next to her. They both looked anxiously at the two boys.

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