Chapter 36 - Dance Reunion

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Paul's POV


I was so glad to be home. I felt so much better then a few days ago. Thought i had a head ache but it was fine. Plus i had a surprise waiting. John got a girlfriend, and she asked him to play at her party, and that is was a party for me, somewhat. John's arm is a lot better too, his arm hurts every now and then but he's tough.

Tonight was the party. We got into nice dress wear. Well what you would wear to a dance i guess. She said formal, but i told the gang we should do siuts to fit our image as the Beatles. I don't have a problem with that, but George and John do. Ringo and Marin agree at least.

"Im ready!" George said and grabbed his guitar case.

"Good lets go." Marin said and walked out. Ashley followed in persuit. 

"Your dates are walking away." John mentioned to George and Ringo. 

"Their not our-" George began but John walked away.

"They can be." Ringo said. "They don't have anyone to take them."

"Alright. Come ed Paul."

Come to think of it i didn't have anyone. Maybe i'd meet someone. All the girls i've met in the past i don't know them anymore.

We drove to her house and were admitted in by a big applaud. Some girl grabbed my hand and took me up to the 'stage' with the microphones.

"This is a party for Paul Williams! He just got out of the hospital and now can play here! Welcome him back!" She smiled and everyone clapped.

"Im Lidia, John's girlfriend." She smiled and then took out her album of ours. "Sign?"

"Sure." I smiled and took the pen and album and signed it. We got down and John took Lidia's hand and they began to dance to the ...well our music and a few other's. George and Ringo got our sister's and i was just waiting. Though eating some snack food. 


Off Paul's POV


"John, does Paul not feel good?"

"No. Why?"

"He's just standing there."

"Well why don't you go dance with him."

Lidia thought for a moment then pointed a finger up in the air. 

"Ill be back. Just wait." She vanished in the crowd. John waited patiently, tapping his foot to the music. It wasn't long till she came back.

"That took a while."

"Look." Lidia smiled and pointed over John's shoulder.

John looked over and saw Paul talking to a girl with dark brown hair. Then Paul put his plate down and took her hands to dance.

"Now, Johnny, lets dance!" Lidia said with a smile, and shook her body and held her arms out.


Paul and his partner were fast on the floor. Keeping up with the beat of the music. She soon got tired and they went to get something to drink. 

"Whats your last name?" Paul asked taking a sip of coke.

"Um Cunckle. I cant believe your the Paul i met at school years ago! Your different!"

Paul smiled. "You are too."

She blushed and took some food. 


Sara looked at Paul. "Yes?"

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