Chapter 21 - Captured in Paris

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1 June 2025

Well, a lot has happened. Not a lot but you'll never guess where we have a concert! We are going to Paris, France! We have played all around England...and now adding on the money to my dad's job...all the men in the house are working now. Even the youngest kid, George.

We also have gotten some fan letters. But just a few. Most cant believe we look and sound exactly like them.

One down fall, well a few, is being noticed by a few people, girls mainly. Last year was really when it all began and i also have read about the real band and what their thoughts on popularity was like. Now im having second thoughts on even becoming big. Im not sure i want to start a whole-nother Beatle craze. They also got into drugs...okay yeah that probably does sound weird coming from a cloned Beatle but hey, drugs ruin your life! George even knows how he too, which i know i will even if im not famous. With all these threats who knows where ill end up.

Well lets see, so there has been talk about our little band on the BBC and the Bieber kid. We are just making it to the popular band.

I also got a fan letter that says, or tells, us that...well more suggests that we change our name to the Beatles. Ill think over that...

Well, lets be 18 this year. Tomorrow we're leaving for Paris. Also, there is this person when i go on walks, well, she, its a she, follows me. Every time i go for a walk she's there and ever corner. I haven't told anyone but im bigger then she is so i can protect myself. Unless she pulls a gun on me...then im helpless. Oh don't think about guns!

I better begin to pack. One thing i don't like about traveling is packing...



+++In Paris+++


"I've always wanted to go here!" Ashley smiled as she steped out of the plane.

"I like England better." George mumbled, he didn't like planes.

"Live with it Georgie. We'll only be here for a few days." John nudged his younger brother. The others grabbed their bags and all headed off to the hotel waiting for them.

"Girls in this room, boys in here." Dad puts the bags on the floor.

"And you?" Marin asked.

"Im in the boys room your mother sleeps in here." He smiled.

"I would really have my vacation else where." Paul sat on the bed.

"This isn't vacation. Its just a mini vacation." Ashley correct. Paul snorted.

"Im gonna go for a walk." John called from the door way as he pulled on his jacket.

"Im coming with you!" Paul replied.

"Be back soon." Mrs. Williams told them.

"Can I come, John?" Marin asked.

John looked at her. "Alright, come 'ed."


Paul's POV


It was a bit cloudy, possibly could rain. John and Marin were on either side of me. Marin observed the Eiffel tower of in the distance, John mentioned that maybe some time they could go on it. You could see a lot of things from the top of the tower, as I've heard. Their was a slight breeze, but it was a cool one. Someone bumped into John as we crossed, which started John's bad side up. He turned around to say something but i stopped him. Then the person turned and grin. I had a feeling i've seen him some where.

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