Chapter 44 - The Last Chapter

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The show was starting in an hour and the four walked around nervously. Ringo was banging a few beats on his drums while the girls brought in dinner.

“You all better eat quickly before you get on there.”

“I’d rather not.” Paul shook his head.

“Its no different then other places you have played.”

“Well this is on the Telly.”


“Never mind.” Paul rolled his eyes and took the sandwich out to eat it.

“Where is John?” Marin asked.

Paul shrugged and bit into his sandwich.

“Listen, Bieber I want no more of this. You helped us earlier!” John shouted breathing heavily.

“Yeah just that little time. But they paid me and I'm going to get you over with as soon as possible!”  Bieber swung his fist at John again. John ducked and grabbed his legs. Bieber toppled over.

“You can't get rid of me.”

“I can.” Bieber stood up.

The two faced each other and glared at each other. John lunged forward and impacted the wall, which was behind Bieber, before he moved. Bieber grabbed his shirt and swung his fists at him hard. John lost consciousness.

            John was woken up and his head was throbbing. As his eyes focused he saw police around him. A man kneeling by him.

“How are you?” He asked, concerned.

“My head hurts. What time is it?” John asked.

“30 Minutes till 8. Why?”

“I have a show I gotta be on at 8.”

“Oh right you’re the band. We’re your security. We just caught the person who tried to kill you. Bieber. He said he was paid to do this to you?”

“Yeah. And thanks.” John got up and moaned, placing his hand on his head.

“Better go to your dressing room. Your going to need a lot of make up.”

“Yeah thanks.”

“John! What happened?” Marin gasped.

“Just got attacked by Bieber. The traitor.”

“You hurt bad?”

“No. Nothing that will prevent me from playing tonight. Now lets take care of me and get these bruises covered up before 8.” John quickened his walk.

Marin shook her head. “Nothing will stop you, huh John?” She giggled. John looked back at her.

“Marin, would you hurry up.” He growled.

“Sorry.” She giggled and grabbed his hand.

            John was better by 8, and didn’t look a whole lot different just a lot of tweaking had to be done in order for him to look normal.

“It would have been easier for The Beatles.” John frowned.

“Why?” Marin powdered more stuff on John’s chin.

“This is colour TV now! Black and white would have been easier to hide this.”

“Oh don’t bother.” Marin shook her head. “There! Well what do you think?”

“Can't tell he was in a fight. But it looks just a bit strange.” Paul said.

“Paul…” John frowned.

Paul chuckled. “Just kidding Johnny! Just kidding.”

“Come ed you lot we gotta get on there!” George said and grabbed his guitar.

“Good luck.” Marin said as the two rushed out.


“Paul, we did it!” George smiled.

“Yeah we have a lot of audiences.”

“A lot in the audience.” John pointed out and threw himself on the sofa.

“John!” Marin rushed in.

“What?” John sat up.

“Mum just got engaged!”


“Yeah! I'm really excited now! And congratulation, brothers!” She smiled.

“Brilliant! I'm ready to go home and sleep.” Paul sighed.

“I'm hungry.” George stretched.


            Today we had our first television show performance. It was great. Also we are going to get another father. I'm kind of un sure about the whole deal but I trust my mum and besides it’d make her happy. Some one she can live with while me and Paul and the others leave. Not anytime soon. I'm not sure where I’d go. It kind of bothers me. I ran away from home as a kid, so I kind of feel strange on leaving this. But I have to some time.

            Anyways, the police caught the group who were trying to prevent the band from conquering the music world. But we made it! We’re famous now, just like we were supposed to be. But I don’t know if touring will a major thing…it probably will though. I don’t know yet.

            One thing I really hated about tonight was all the make up that I had to have on. It was horrible taking it off. I don’t know how girls do it. But Bieber is paying for what he did to me. In cash!

            Well that kind of is it for us. We’ve made it and we’re safe as well. Finally.  That wraps it up.



Tell me what you thought! Thanks for reading. I had fun with this! :)

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