Chapter 10 - A Little More Insight

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12 August 2015

So, i began school a while ago. But this is my second time to go. I started last year. Mum said i needed to get caught up so i did. This year is going to be my second year. Thing is i really hate school. And i mean hate it! ;P

Paul hasn't been going to school, because he is still scared of someone coming to get him. And no, it wasn't just that lady that scared him, a few years ago, It was a second person. This person he couldn't describe. He also killed Paul, if it wasn't for Mariah...she entered the room at the right time. 

Paul feels protected at least around Mum and Mariah. 

Anyroads, weird things have been happening. I don't understand most of them. I mean, well, George got this note that said, he couldn't read it so i had too, it said that he was to come outside. That didn't make sense so we stayed inside and watched out the window. Nothing happened so we went to bed. 

Marin is treating this like its some sort of game. But she's a great sister. I didn't think sisters could be this fun. I guess when you have ones like the ones i have they can be gear!

Well lets see, back to, how bout i talk about George.

George's parents both died, so no meanness there. He says he was separated from his siblings. Now that is sad! Paul got separated from his siblings, and we don't know where they are. I don't even know what they look like!

So George is very quiet, but playful. He's a fun little brother too. Ive always wanted a younger brother. Paul was a good younger brother, now i have an even littler brother....if littler is even a word...

But Paul is my best friend/little brother, where as George is just the kid brother...Marin calls Ashley her kid sister, but George and her get along fine. Their playing right now. I don't know what but they are. And im supposed to do homework, but felt like working on my typing. Hey! Its still homework...

Marin is doing her's, she's almost done too. Well i better get off. Mum will get mad if i don't.


~John W. W. L. (The extra W is for Williams my last name now!)


John's POV


I clicked save and got off. Marin was just closing her book when i sat down and began to do my maths. 

"Looping around again?" She grinned.


"Your monkeying around again." She sighed.

"Oh, yeah. Don't tell." I pointed my finger at her.

"Nope wont tell! Any news?"


"On the man that tried to murder Paul!"

"He didn't try to murder him."

"Then why did he have a knife?"

"He didn't have a knife...his hands were around his neck."

"Thats called strangling John...."

"So! Who cares!" I leaned on the couch. 

"Another one bites the dust-A!" Marin jumped up.

I rolled my eyes. "Go do something."

"I need some sleeping medicine..." 

The Long and Winding RoadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ