Chapter 28 - With A Little Help From My Friends

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Paul sniffed and whipped his tear stained face. He cradled his arms around his knees and scooted farther in the corner. All he had was back at his 'dad's' house. Mean thoughts were going back and forth in his head. He hated his father. John was right he should of left him when he had the chance. Never trust someone who gave up on you years ago. Never.

He felt pain in his foot and looked down. His foot was bleeding. Ignoring it he put his head between his knees and began to cry again.



John got off the bus on one of the streets in London. Then walked up to a shop that was very posh and entered. He went up to the shop clerk who was bent over some boxes.

"Um, sir." John tried to get his attention.

"Yeah? What?" The man stood up and looked at John.

"Im looking for someone by the name, McCartney."

"Um, old?"

"Um, i don't know...old enough to where he can have a 16 year old son."

"Well, lets see. Yeah he comes by here to pick up some food. Then usually leaves with this girl of his."

"Oh, okay thanks!" John smiled and turned around. He walked outside and looked around then quickly turned back around. "Uh, sir, where does he live?"

"I dont know his address, sorry." The clerk shook his head.

"Its alright." John walked out the door putting his hands in his pockets. It would be hopeless.

"John." A voice whispered. John looked around and spotted a familiar face.

"Your back? I thought you said you wouldn't come back. And you've changed."

"No just my other one of me wouldn't this is my 1950s look. Like it? Okay anyways, Paul is in trouble. I mean...Well yeah in trouble. His dad handed him over to the 'enemy', i guess we'll call em. Anyways. Come ed." The teddy boy hopped into a waiting car.

"Don't you have a better way of getting around?"

"Nope. Im dead yes, but i have to do everything the normal way on earth."

"Where are you anyways?"

"Inside you. So technically im on earth already." He grinned. "Do you have glasses?"

"Um, yeah. Why don't you?"

"I forgot mine."

"Well you couldn't see through mine. We dont- Oh!" John grabbed his glasses and handed them to him.

"Thanks." The other boy drove off.


"Okay, let me go. Im safe."

"How are you safe?"

"Well, i really cant die, because im you and your my connection so if you die i die."

"You cant die?" John gasped.

"Nope. Now be quiet and keep low. Im goin in."

"You make it seem like its a big deal." John rolled his eyes.

"It is! They have guns ya know!"

"I still don't understand all this." 

"I could explain it...just have to have the right words." The teddy boy left for the house. John went in the back of the car and laid down on the floor, key fob in hand.

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