Chapter 41 - Safe?

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NOTE:  Be well Aware That This Is a Fast Past Chapter...Events will go By Very Quickly...


The girl in uniform woke up slowly. She came to the conclusion that the gas didn’t last long because they were just coming to get her. What struck her as funny was that the man and woman carefully set the clothes down on a table. Suddenly one bundle moved and a foot came out. A little foot, the size of a toddler.

She then was being untied. She struggled to prevent them from making her enter but it was hopeless and she let them control her.

            She soon woke up. She looked around at the white room. She looked at her feet and hands. She was laying down with a blanket thrown over her. She looked over at a little boy’s, very familiar face. She gasped but shook her head. This must be a dream. She was sure it was a dream. She…what had happened before. She thought something was behind this but couldn’t recall it. Then she say a lady with long black hair. She came over and looked down at her.

“What is your name?” She asked slowly. No smile on her face.

The girl had to remember. “Rrruth.” She stuttered.

“Ruth, what happened? Do you remember?”

“Am I in a hospital?”

“Um, yes you are.”

“I don’t remember what happened.”

“Alright that’s fine. Now go to sleep.”

Ruth looked back over at the boy with the familiar face. He was disturbed in his sleep and opened his eyes. They met Ruth.

“Ppaul?” Ruth said slowly, almost shocked. Why was she so surprised to see her lost brother? And why did she think of him as lost?

Paul closed his eyes and turned over in his sleep. She looked over at some men in a corner. She couldn’t here what they were saying but they were pointing to Paul’s bed and seemed to point to another one somewhere. Then one of them went over and lifted Paul out of his bed. Another lifted another boy bout the same size and they were walked out.

“What about her?” the lady with black hair asked.

“She can come too, but at a different time.”

She nodded and looked down at Ruth, now with a grin on her face. Ruth moved uneasily.

“Where do you think we should send them?” Gene asked.

“Here.” His father handed him a piece of paper.

“In a Scotland one?”

“Yeah. Why not? We don’t want them to be found.”

“Yes sir.” Gene nodded and strapped the two sleeping boys to seats and he sped off.


            Paul woke up and saw someone next to him. Strange he had never seen this boy before, or had he? Something about him seemed very familiar.

“Get up you two! Time for breakfast.” A very hissed then Paul received a slap on his head. So did the other boy who jerked up quickly. The boy looked around and shook his head. He stopped then shook it again, and then his eyes were drawn to Paul. Paul looked away and got out of bed. He and the other boy joined a line of kids. They all were marched down to a big dinning hall. Paul was seated by the same boy who was in his room.

“I'm John.” The boy whispered quickly.

“Paul.” He replied quickly and quietly.

John nodded. “I feel like I’ve met you before.”

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