Chapter 23 - Paul and a Gun

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John knocked repeatively on the bathroom door. 

"Marin, hurry up if you wanna get there on time. Besides you don't have to be dressed up!" John yelled.

Marin opened the door and came out quickly. "You could be patient. Now come on." She shuffled out the door of the apartment. John chuckled to himself and followed her out to the car. He got in a different car which their manager was in and sat next to George.

"John." George whispered softly.

"What?" John stared at him.

"Um, never mind." George shook his head and looked down at his feet then at Richie next to him. "Richie?" He continued.

"Yeah?" The blue eyed boy looked up.

" scared." George whispered.

"Your just nervous, and you don't have to be."

"But what if everyone laughs?"

"They wont."

"They will."

"No they wont."

"Yes they-"

"If they laugh at you then ill give them something to really laugh about!" John cut in and smirked.

George looked over at his brother and gave him a shy smile. "I...uh..."

"George, don't be afraid, okay? I mean its just a gig." John shrugged.

"Yeah a gig, John, a gig!" George pounded on the seat.

"Sh." Paul said from the front seat.

"What?" George looked up.

"I said, 'sh'. Do i have to say more?" He mumbled.

"Paulie is tired." John mocked.

"Am not!"

"Are to!"

"No im not!"

"Yes you are!"

"STOP!" George shouted. Their manager jumped a bit in his seat. John closed his eyes and leaned against the seat.

Richie smiled and put an arm around George. Then gave him a thumbs up.


"We're up." John said adjusting his guitar.

"What if they don't like our music?" George whinced.

"Stop being a worry wart George." John mumbled.

"But, what-"

"George, please." Richie put his hand up. "Wheres Paul?"

The boys looked around for their other member. His bass was leaning against a chair, and attached to the neck was a note.

Gone out to walk...ill be back once we are ready to play.


"Thats it?" John threw the note.

"Well he's not back." George sat down.

"Boys, its time." The stage announcer said.

"I know, but we're missing some one." John glared.

"Oh...where is he?"

"We don't know!" John raised his arms up.

"Stall them, k?" Rich asked.

The announcer nodded. "But what with?"

"Who's the next act?" John asked.


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