Chapter 13 - Just A Normal Day...

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A Few Years Later...2017

John: 9(to be 10); Paul: 7(to be 8); George: 7; Richie: 9(to be 10)


1 June 2017

Its been a long school year. Im ready for a break. ;P

Also this is Paul's month, his birthday is coming up! He's going not sure. Since he has aged a little he's matured a bit. But he is still very scared to be alone in a strange place. He wont even go into the words anymore without someone...after that incident a while ago. But we haven't had anything happen to us sense. Ever! So im pretty glad. 

Paul is going to go to a school when school time begins. Mum has been teaching him and George and Ashley and Richie. 

Reason Richie is being taught is because lately he's, been sick. And i mean really sick. He skipped a whole year of school because he was ill. I feel sorry for him. One time we were at this place and some kid was making fun of him because he couldn't even spell real well. That kid was supposed to be my friend, but friend or not, know one hurts my brothers' feelings. 

But that kid turned out to not be my friend. He told a secret to a gang of his and they made fun of me one day. All i want is to be nice to them but they hate me. I don't understand. I just hope Paul isn't faced with bullies when he goes to school. At least him, George, and Ashley will be in the same classes, and grade. 

Today, no, next week Jeremy is moving away.  He's my only good friend at school. My best school friend, Paul's my best friend. I just have to meet another person like Jeremy at school, but there cant be much. 

Well im getting fingers are tired of typing...i had to type a paragraph for Marin, information on some insect...for what reason i have know idea! She's very...strange...only sum times, but i love her. ;)...*cough* in a sisterly way....(brotherly...)




"John can you help me with this?" George yelled from the other room. The least he could do was say please, but no.

"Comin' Georgie." I yelled back and found George. He was looking at the back of the telly.

"I cant get the telly to turn on..." He looked at me.

I sighed and looked in the back with him. Then my brows knitted in frustration. Everything was normal.

"Uh, George."

"Yeah?" He looked up quickly.

"You have to plug in the telly to get it on ya know." I plugged it in. George smiled shyly. He could be really absentminded some times. But then again he was only 7.

I went back out to find something else to entertain me. Probably...i don't know.

"John!" I heard my mum call from downstairs. I groaned and went downstairs. So much summons.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Go get dressed." She looked at me irritatedly.

"Why? Is that all?"

"No. But go get dressed."

"Yes ma'am." I said and ran back upstairs to get dressed, then rushed back down. The house was unusually quiet.

"Can you clean the sitting room? They new neighbors are coming over."

"Fine, can Paul help?"

"Hes sleeping."

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