It All Started When I Tripped The Bad Boy

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All I did was trip the bad boy with the black pumps I was wearing that day. If I knew what would follow would I still have done it? Oddly enough...Yes.

Christopher Wellings. The confident, sexy, new girl who just got enrolled into New Cherrings High School by her rich and always working parents. She quickly befriends Lindella and Lucas who have their secrets, and catches the attention of Collin Coleman, the school bad boy. Christopher finds herself in a web of lies, drama, and love, as she battles everyday challenges like Stephanie Black, the rich school girl and her confusing feelings towards Collin. Things quickly spiral out of control as she sticks her nose into someone else's business and finds herself involved in something even she can't handle. She finds herself knee deep in problems that only the school bad boy could save her from. (WARNING this book does include Gangs, Violence). IT GETS BETTER!!! IT MAY START OFF ROCKY BUT GIVE IT A CHANCE PLEASE!!!


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