Chapter Sixteen: Bottled Up

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Evan POV

It was incredible how a simple question from a six year old boy could cause such mayhem. Maria was crying into my mother's sympathetic arms, who was also feeling upset as my own father's death day approached. I was left trying to contain my anger and my wolf as Rylee's sobs filled my ears. I wanted nothing more than to be able to comfort her, and I knew I could but if she wouldn't let me it would make things worse and I was certain she wouldn't let me comfort her, it would probably cause her distress. I was helpless, just sat fighting my own demons.

When her sobs softened and eventually stopped I looked up at her window wondering what she was doing but she was opening the window. She climbed out and jumped off the ledge landing in a crouch just yards away from me. Her head snapped up and I heard a growl before she bolted off. My eyes followed her and as she was jumping the fence I saw the smoke. I stood alert.

"Rylee!" I called, but it was useless, she was gone. "Call Zach. She's going after mutts." I said and followed her. But she was so fast that when I had got over the fence she was out of sight. I could've followed her scent but I knew where she was going, I knew her destination so I just followed the smoke.

As I got closer I heard her scream, it didn't sound like a scream of pain but of frustration. I pushed as hard as I could stepping up a gear to try and get there as fast as I could. I must've been a couple of minutes behind her because the fight was over when I got there. She was crying again, but this time Zach was there, hugging her. I didn't like it but if I couldn't comfort her I hoped he could.

He looked up and I saw the worry in his eyes.

I looked around at the destruction. There was three bodies on the floor. When I looked closer I saw one with his eyes gauged out, another with his throat ripped out and the last with only half a skull because it had been caved in, probably from being smashed against a tree like she had done with the mutts that attacked her at the club.

I watched her cry for a few seconds and I saw the blood all over her, her arms and hands, legs, even her face. I sighed. "I'll sort this, just get back."

He nodded. "See you at home."

"She's alright." Zach said as I collapsed onto the couch.

"I was more worried about you." I said honestly and took my phone out chucking it to him.

He looked confused but looked at the screen, I saw his eyes widen in shock. "What the fuck?" He mumbled scrolling through the pictures I took as I dealt with the mutts. She had torn a throat out, smashed a head in and even found a way to pull a heart straight from the mutt's chest. It was pure carnation, devastation and rage which exploded. I was both worried by the sight and proud. Proud that she was so powerful and capable of handling herself, but worried at the malice in the actions. "I don't even know if this is good or bad."

"I know..."

"I had to pull her off the last one. She just broke down."

"I knew she'd be angry but... Shit."

"What the hell upset her so much?"

"Her brother asked her what their dad looked like. She just broke down and then was jumping out the window to track down the mutts. She was out for blood."

"Better watch your back." He joked but there was a serious tone in his voice. "I'm not gonna get in her way."

"Tell me about it." I muttered. There was a silence before he laughed. "What's funny?" I snarled agitated.

"Trust you to find a psychopathic Luna."

"At least she doesn't need round the clock protection."

"At this rate you'll need protection."

"...I don't get where all that fight comes from." I said thinking about when she was attacked by mutts. "She gets restrained by two but kills three with enough time to torture one of them."

"It's gotta be her wolf. When she's distressed her wolf just completely takes over."

"As if it was hard enough trying to get close to her."

"At least the wolf likes you."

"Damn I hope so."

Naturally to my annoyance I didn't get any sleep which didn't entirely surprise me. Every time I even tried to close my eyes I could only see the carnage she left. The actual images didn't bother me, what bothered me was the fact she had done it and just snapped within minutes. I started to question her ability to be a Luna, perhaps she was too young and inexperienced. I ended up arguing with myself.

'She's young, but she's my mate. She's unstable but she can learn. She's inexperienced but I could help her... She's vicious but it would help with mutts.'

I didn't want to rule her out but I was thinking I had no choice. Then again, she could control her wolf, she was ridiculously submissive around me even though she didn't have a submissive bone in her body. She could control it, but did she have a limit? Could she just snap if pushed too far? But I snapped if I was pushed too much, no one could fully control their emotions unless they were emotionally dead, so perhaps the amount of control she had was enough? Maybe the mutts being around would help her, if she could let it out on them she wouldn't struggle to hold it in so much.

I went down to the lounge hoping I could distract myself at least. I didn't want to argue with myself about if she would be a suitable Luna or not. I didn't want to come to the conclusion she couldn't do it. I put the TV on hoping it could move the thoughts from my head but it didn't help much. After a couple of hours trying I turned the TV off and sighed.

"I think we need to talk." My mother's voice echoed through the large room. I just leaned forward watching the floor.

"What about?" I asked knowing it was about Rylee, I knew Zach would have told her and I waited for my mothers orders which I considered disobeying for the first time in my life.

"Rylee... You need to mate that girl as soon as you can."

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