Chapter Sixty Five: Lupus Ignis

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Rylee POV

As we walked through the town we had found a market in the middle of a square. It was traditional and filled with noise that was music to my ears and my reminiscent memories. I had been to markets with my father many times, it was our weekly treat. We would look for antiques and old music treasures, picking out a book for mum that she would read whether she loved it or not.

As we were waiting for our food in the café on the outskirts of the square, I was watching intently, a smile playing on my lips as my eyes watered.


When I pulled my attention back to him he was already watching me, analysing my emotions, better than I could.

"What did you used to buy with him?"

"Everything... We used to go every Sunday whilst Maria was at church. We would buy ingredients to make lunch and it was always amazing, he used to say it was the fresh produce, but I could never make anything good." I laughed to myself shaking my head. "We would choose a book for Maria and one for me, he would get some sheet music and we would spend the afternoon reading and playing before we got dinner ready, which was the only thing I could cook."

"What was that?"

"A Sunday Roast. I missed having roast every week and they made it our tradition too, so I wouldn't feel too far from home."

"You'll have to show me one day."

"Yeah." I smiled. "Maybe when we get home."

I just smiled.

We ate lunch, the waitress giving me some funny looks at the amount I was eating. I didn't care, I was hungry. She tried to catch Evan's eye but failed, which was amusing to me, almost as amusing as the look on her face when we left and he kissed me. More for her benefit I assumed, but my wolf didn't mind, she liked the contact and reassurance.

"So..." I started, grabbing his hand as we stepped outside. "What else do we have planned today?"

"Hmm... We don't have to be back for a few hours." He said tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and lacing his fingers in between mine. "I was thinking you could show me what's so good about the market."

Automatically my teeth bit my bottom lip as I looked over the market, my mind racing to think of where to look first. Did we go for the books? The trinkets or jewellery? There was so many different stalls to look it was hard to decide.

We started on one end and just made our way round. By the time we got to the last stall, the books, I had already picked a few things up. Mainly for Jeremy and Mum but I knew the books were where I would find something for myself.

My eyes scanned the titles, examining the different pre-loved books. A few caught my eye and I picked it up to look but when my heart practically stopped I gasped. Letting go of his hand for the first time I struggled to keep my chest from tightening but I picked it up, looking at the cover and opening it delicately, careful of the old frail pages.

"Lupus Ignis." I whispered to myself as my fingers brushed over the binding.

"Wolf of Fire?"

"Yeah." I breathed. "I never thought I'd ever find another copy."

"Guess you can find hidden treasures here." He took it from me and put an arm around my waist, levelling my emotions again. "Pick a few more."

"But I-"

"Pick a few or I'll pick for you."

"You know that's-"

"I know. Just pick."

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