Chapter Forty Three: Unexpected Return

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Evan POV

As soon as I got home Zach was no where to be seen. My mother had debriefed me when I called her, unable to contact Zach. She was hiding with Rylee's mom, concerned for her safety.

My blood boiled and I wanted to kill them all, if they weren't my warriors I would have. Sadly, they had a right to hunt her down and contain her under our laws and question her in the absence of the Alpha. As long as she was breathing when I got back it didn't matter what torture she had endured, it was legal in the pack laws.

Instantly I was out looking for her. She had been missing for days, but who knew how much longer she would last. I was tired, but I couldn't rest at all knowing she was out there. I had to go and find her.

It took a few hours, but I finally came across her scent and instantly took off in that direction. When I could hear footsteps I paused, listening as it came from the opposite direction in the distance.
Seeing her was a relief, until she ran full speed at the waterfall and jumped off without hesitation. My mind flashed back to the day I saw her jump out her house which was on fire.

'I groaned as my father decided we had to go to a mundane invasion. There was a house fire. I knew it was tragic, but it wasn't the packs problem. It was for the human authorities to deal with. He just had to go and check it out.

He pulled up outside a small house which was fully engulfed in flames, it was quite shocking to see. I had never seen such an inferno. I knew it wasn't an accident. It was obvious someone used an accelerant to take the house quickly.

He jumped out the car and I heard him shout.

"Stop her!"

Catching my attention, I looked to the top storey of the house where I saw someone climbing out the window, carrying someone else. I stared.

I didn't know what was more shocking. The fact it was a girl on the roof, or that she was carrying a pregnant woman with ease. I got out to get a better look and she was stood on the edge, glancing over her shoulder before she closed her eyes and jumped. Instinctively, with everyone else I shouted "No!" as she came crashing down onto the car hood and the sound of the crashing was enough to make everyone go silent. The girl landed back first and the woman on top of her. Part of me was hurting, wanting to help. I could only assume they were a pack family.

My father pushed his way through the crowd in no time. I didn't know why he bothered.

There was no way she made it out alive after that fall.'

I knew she was a fighter; I had been wrong before and I didn't even dare think it now. I couldn't. She had to be okay.

I didn't bother looking over the waterfall or watching the area she disappeared, I just ran as fast as I could and headed towards the base of the waterfall, where I found her getting overpowered by a warrior.

Instincts to protect her took over, I didn't worry about hurting the warrior as I threw him aside and advanced.

He could have bowed and submitted, but he was angry, I could feel it. Part of me was relieved he didn't back down, it just gave me an excuse to keep attacking.

By the time he was lifeless on the floor she was dragging herself to her feet, swaying as I approached.

Her eyes were foggy and heavy looking. Her skin was covered in cuts and bruises, old and new. She looked fightless, and I could see from her figure that she had lost weight. She had no energy left in her.

Grabbing her face, as delicately as I could, she sighed in relief.

"Evan?" She began to sob, the swaying noticeably worse.

"I'm here."

She fell forward, into me and I let her face go to wrap my arms around her protectively. I scooped her up and took her to the house, she was unconscious before I even took a step.

"Evan!" Zach's voice called sounding stressed as I got back, carrying her in my arms.

"I want everyone that hunted her, here, now." My order was calm, but that was when everyone knew I was serious and you didn't mess around. There was always two things you never messed with in the pack.

My family. Children.

Of course I protected everyone, but if you hurt any of them you got worse punishment. And now there was a new top of the list.

My mate.

And everyone was going to suffer that led to this.

I didn't blame Zach, I knew he would have done everything he could, but he wasn't Alpha. He could be overruled if enough warriors petitioned it and had good reason. Even if he told them who she was to me, they wouldn't have believed it after a child was killed.

Fortunately, no one was around whilst I carried her up to the suite. As much as I wanted it to be our home, I was glad it could at least be a safe haven. There was still a chance she could reject me, but as long as she was alive and okay, that's what I wanted more.
Watching her unconscious face I would only sit in my own fury. Not only was I pissed that they had done that, they ignored Zach. They didn't know about Rylee, but they knew Zach was my blood and more than qualified. They disrespected my Regent of choice, my choice. I didn't know how long I was going to be sat with her, but I knew my first order of business would be to sort out my warriors.

Initially, walking back onto pack land was a relief, but now I couldn't feel any form of relief. My anger was too prominent.

"Hey... How is she?"

"She'll be fine after some rest and something to eat."

"I'm so sorry. I tried to get them to back off, they just wouldn't leave it. They're set in their decision, they're adamant she's dangerous."

"I know you did everything you could. Maybe it's time they were pulled back in line. I've grown complaisant lately."

"You've just had another focus."

I sighed. "I don't know how much longer I can do this." I muttered glancing at him.

"It'll change, she knows now. She was asking questions after you left. She wants to know what you are and what it means. I think she was just surprised that it's real and not just a fairytale."

"I hope you're right."

"She was trying before you left. She would've missed you as much as you missed her."

"We'll see."

She hadn't pushed me away before I left and started showing tiny glimmers of hope of accepting the bond. It had started to grow.

She was relieved to see me again, but, I didn't know what she thought about what happened to her and if she blamed me.

Like A LunaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora