Chapter Sixty Nine: Patience

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Rylee POV

Hair, makeup, dress, shoes, jewellery. It all made me want to run. Why I couldn't just spend an hour doing my hair and makeup I didn't know. I had spent hours trying on dresses for Liza to say none were suitable or for me to hate it because it was white and made me look like I was getting married.

The hair was an entire operation just to curl and I decided to keep it down just to save time and my own sanity. The makeup was another story.

Liza had stylists that were very selective and snobby, but that was their job I had assumed. The makeup took ages, but, I didn't mind. It was the only thing I really had a say in.

The young she wolf had chosen all the base makeup but allowed me to select pallets and lip colours. She just worked round it. All I had told her was I wanted simple but fierce. A statement look. She gave me just that.

The perfect transfer proof red lip to match the dress and a smoky eye that didn't completely overpower but gave that edge I had wanted and as my eyes lit up I knew the contrast would be striking.

"Perfect, thank you."

"My pleasure Luna Calderwood." She smiled.

"Told you she was the best. Young, but, the best." Liza boasted as they were finishing her hair. "I refuse to use anyone different. But you can borrow her for your wedding."

My head snapped round to Liza. "I'm not engaged."

"You're mated, it's as good as. You'll be married someday."

"Huh. I never thought of it like that."

"You'll never be rid of him now."

I smiled. "Good, then he could never change his mind about me."

"Even if he could I don't think he would. You should've seen him last time he was here. We were expecting this cold, calculating and homicidal Alpha and he was distracted and conflicted. He was worried you wouldn't accept him."

"I know. He said... But don't worry, he's still cold and calculating, I've just taken over the homicidal part."

"As I've heard. I'm glad we have a treaty, I wouldn't want to see you on the other side of a fight."

I just smiled. "Let's go see if everyone else agrees."

Her eyes glossed over, almost foggy, and she smiled.

"They're ready."

Liza left first, as I had to put on a necklace she had leant me since I didn't have much jewellery.

As I walked, a warrior was escorting me round the house to where we needed to go blabbering about something, but I was too anxious and in my own thoughts to listen.

As soon as I saw him it disappeared, into the back thoughts of my mind.

I had only seen him in a suit once before and I spent most of that night examining his shoes and tie to really take in the sight before me. Now it was different, he was my mate. I wasn't scared to look at him and the fact I found him ridiculously attractive didn't concern me, and that attraction magnified ten fold in a suit. There was something about a suit that was fitted in all the right places that made him that much more like he was sculpted by gods.

Every step I took closer, was a moment I noticed something different about him. His hair, the smirk, his hands in his pocket, his eyes which were devouring the sight of me from head to toe. It made my heart race and shivers run down my spine. I knew he was as attracted to me as I was to him.

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