Chapter Thirty Five: Debrief

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Rylee POV

Kayla was sceptical of me but Dean just kept talking. I wasn't sure what was wrong with her, but she just kept glaring at me. I pretended not to notice. She refused to let me get much of a say on anything, which didn't bother me too much I didn't want to improve their plans. I just wanted to know what they were.

Once we were done, I had discovered the plan and why the mutts were attacking across the pack in small groups. They were testing the Alpha's response and monitoring how many warriors he sent to deal with different groups and locations. It was all a test, any fatalities to the pack were just a bonus.

It seemed like the mutts didn't have an issue, they were just being paid to do the packs dirty work so they could get a surprise attack. If pack wolves were entering the territory they would know who was attacking and be ready. It was clever, but, not clever enough.

As soon as Kayla was gone, I waited a few minutes to throw off any suspicion. While I waited I thought id ask something that had been bothering me.

"Why does she hate me?"

"What? She doesn't."

I just raised an eyebrow at him in question. "She hates me."

"She's just jealous. Don't worry about it."

"Of what? The fact im a mutt?"

"That you're with the Alpha."

"Oh. Uhm..."

"Don't worry about it. Just keep him wrapped round your finger. If you can, convince him to let me go with him to Crewes."


"So I can gage how they feel about him. If they don't like him we might get allies."

"You think we can branch out? That would make our odds a lot better."

"Yeah. No one has seemed interested, but he hasn't had contact with Crewes. They might join."

"Okay. Consider it done."

"Tonight, if you can. Then I can let them know back at base."

"Alright... I'll go now."

Sneaking out, I made sure the hallways were empty. Not so much because people would wonder where I had come from, but because I didn't want to cause a stir about where I was going. Kayla seemed to have some sort of impression about us being together. I didn't know how, but perhaps it was strange that a mutt was accepted so quickly, and he had defended me in front of everyone.

I could have snuck back to my room, but after I had left Deans, I heard him following me. Either he didn't believe me or he wanted confirmation that he would be going to Crewes.

As I reached the door I paused, did I knock or just go in? Not having time to really consider, I just opened the door quietly. My heart was racing, trying to jump out of my chest. It got worse as I got closer to his bed, the moonlight through the window creating enough light to see.

He looked somewhat peaceful. Not the cold, calculating Alpha I had originally believed.

When footsteps stopped outside the door I knew he was listening.

"Hey, Evan. Wake up." I whispered, nudging him.

"Rylee?" He muttered groggily. "What are you doing?"

"I couldn't sleep." I said a little louder as I put my finger to my lips and then my ear, then pointed to the door. He simply nodded, his eyes looking heavy.

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