Chapter Twenty Two: Invasion

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Rylee POV:

As I wandered back inside my temperature started to spike again but I didn't want to embarrass myself more by going back out there after I had just excused myself.

As I glanced around, looking for maybe one person I recognised, I was quickly disappointed. Like before, everyone was in conversation with someone else and the only looks my way were glares of disgust for what I was. All except one.

I didn't let my eyes meet theirs, I was uncomfortable under their gaze and didn't want to encourage it. He was tall but not so well built. His shoulders weren't broad like the warriors I had met, but he still seemed somewhat strong in his stance.

Quickly passing over his gaze, I made my way to the other side of the room, trying to get away from the stare but it was useless as a hand grabbed my arm tightly pulling me round to face him.

"Hey, where you going?"

My blood boiled, wanting nothing more than to teach him a lesson, to pull my arm from his grasp and take a swing. It was rude and I didn't appreciate it, not to mention he was still looking at me like a piece of meat. His intentions and thoughts were obvious.

"To get a drink." I replied, pulling my arm. "Excuse me."

"I'll come with you. I need one too." He took my arm and hooked it over his, as if I was holding his arm, as he took me towards a waiter with a tray of champagne.

He took two glasses, allowing me to let go of his arm and take one.

"Where you from Babe?"

"Around and the names Rylee." I said raising the glass to my lips and took a sip looking round, desperately looking for an excuse to leave.

"Well then Rylee, what's your place here?"

Turning back to glance at him I found his smirk and lustful gaze. It was obvious to any wolf with a brain cell that I was rogue, unless he was that stupid that he couldn't tell.

"I've seen you dancing but you don't seem to be mingling very well."

"I'm a guest of the Alpha."

"How much is he paying?"

My jaw dropped for a moment and then I glared at him. "I'm not a whore."

"Alright, my bad." He held his hands up. "Just wondering what a pretty mutt like you is doing here?"

"Being insulted apparently." I muttered bitter, still fighting my own instincts to tear his head off, maybe his balls.

"Let me apologise. Dance with me?"

"No thanks."

"I wont take no for an answer." He grabbed my arm pulling me towards the dance floor. He had taken the glass from my hand and placed it on a passing waitresses tray. "You look pretty lonely."

Gritting my teeth I reluctantly placed my hand on his shoulder, dancing with him. I wanted to push him away but I knew I couldn't make a scene surrounded by pack wolves, they all wanted a reason to punish me. Any little reason would do.

He blabbed on about himself, very full of himself. Zoning out I didn't pay attention.

"You mind?" A voice asked pulling my attention back. Looking to the side I saw Zach and smiled slightly.

I could see he wanted to say no but he couldn't say no to the Beta. "Sure. See you later."

"You okay?" He asked taking my hand and waist.

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