Chapter Seventy Three: Nostalgia

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Rylee POV

The entire day was a distraction, it always was. We would keep busy, entertain Jeremy whilst occasionally thinking about him. We didn't usually discuss him or reminisce too much, but I could see the tears in her eyes all day. She would fiddle with the ring that was hanging from a chain around her neck, his wedding ring.

My emotions were reflecting hers but seemed to be more extreme. I was feeling bipolar. I'd go from extreme happiness watching Jeremy, to wanting to scream and cry. When my mood snapped I could feel a presence in my head, lingering but not invading. I knew it was Evan.

"He would be proud of you." She said pulling me out of my thoughts as we watching Jeremy playing with some kids he met in soft play, running round like lunatics on the obstacles.

Looking to her I could see her clinging onto the ring, eyes fixed on Jeremy.

"I wish he was here to see it. He'd never believe how highly ranked I am now." I mused.

"He would." When I looked to her she smiled. "We always knew you were destined for something great, we just didn't know what."

"Is that why you chose me?"

"No." She shook her head and reached over to take my hand. "We chose you because you needed family. We wanted to be that family for you."

"Is that why you came to England?"

They had travelled far, just to come visit me. I'd asked before but never gotten a straight answer from them. They always used to tell me it was fate, that we crossed paths because it was meant to be. But now, I was older and I wanted to know everything. I wanted to know how I had gotten there, why I was how I was and what it meant.


"So, you did come just to see me?"

"Yeah. We were trying to have a child of our own, we debated adopting but it didn't feel right. But your father's work had him meeting with world experts across the world where a doctor had mentioned a very young, very angry and aggressive child. Who had been passed from pillar to post and was emotionally unstable. No one knew much about you other than that, not even your past traumas. He had guessed you were a wolf, but we never thought you would have your wolf already." She spoke quietly so only I could hear, we were surrounded by humans as well as wolves. Not usual conversations you'd hear out and about.

"He knew I did when he saw me." I said searching for Jeremy.

"He felt a connection with you instantly. We didn't want to adopt initially, but you were made to be our family. We had to bring you home."

Closing my eyes I fought the tears as I remembered the day they found me, rocking in the corner.

"I love you." Was all I could say to express my emotions, I had no way to show her how heavy my heart was for her. She was my mum. "I'll do anything for you."

She just smiled. "I love you too."

We started talking about dad, the funny things he did and how he helped me. We ended up talking about how I got close to Evan's dad and the coincidences I had found out. Even that the day I jumped off that roof Evan was there.

We got ice cream on the way home, as promised and by the time we had got home Jeremy was having a nap. We left him on the couch with a blanket as we started dinner.



"Can you teach me how to cook?"

She smiled but I could see the little mocking glint in her eyes. I could sense her thoughts about me becoming a domesticated house wife.

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