Chapter Forty Two: Saviour

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Rylee POV

My chest was tight as it struggled to inhale enough oxygen. My feet were raw and bleeding from blisters and my clothes filthy. My hair was in knots in my overly messy bun and my eyes were heavy from a lack of sleep. It was a state that sadly was not unknown to me, but I had thought I would never return to.
Yet here I was, running from people that were chasing me just like my childhood. Only this time they were playing for keeps. They wanted my life.

I meant it when I said I had a habit of staying alive, it wasn't easy, but I did it. Repeatedly. For almost six days now.

As I was passing the river I paused, sensing enough distance to get a quick rest and drink of water. Kneeling by the river, I cupped my hands and gulped the salty water, despising every second of it. It was for survival, not gratification.

The sound of shouts in the distance made me stand, my head spinning again from light-headedness caused by a lack of sustenance. Shaking my head I tried to get my vision clear again, I had to move.

I had managed to stay hidden for a day behind the waterfall but because I was there for a long time my scent was gathering. They got too close for comfort. So I ran again. Not finding a good hiding spot again.

Everytime my feet hit the ground beneath my shoes I winced as pain seared through my skin and an ache grew in my legs. I didn't have much more energy to keep me going. I had debated on giving up, I had, but I thought about my mum and Jeremy and even Evan. I had promised him I would do my best, giving up wasn't my best.

"This way!" A voice called through the trees gaining on me.
The waterfalls edge at the end of the river came into sight. My mind started flashing back to the house, the fire I ran into. That danger I survived because of my wolf. The voices behind me were getting closer like the flames as I stood on the houses roof ready to jump. I had no choice.

I jumped as far as my legs could push off the edge, falling the 50 yards to the bottom, crashing into water with currents that manipulated my body like a child with a doll.

As I fought with the waves, it seemed useless, but I kept trying. Eventually I was able to get to a weak enough current to drag myself out of the water and collapse onto the rocky surface panting for breath as I coughed up water.

My choking was loud enough to disguise the fact someone was close. I didn't notice footsteps until it was too late and they had grabbed my hair pulling me to my feet.

"About time." He snarled.

"Get off." I choked and sent a knee to his midsection; it was barely just enough to get him to drop me.

Scrambling to my feet I struggled to fight him off and very quickly found myself losing the fight, every punch to my face or gut just making me feel more nauseous and light headed. The pain got to a point where I couldn't feel it much, it was so painful it went numb. Either that or I was delusional.

When my body crashed to the rocky surface again I waited for the final blow, but it never came. I had a minute to try to pull myself back to reality but my vision was blurry. I could barely make out two shadowy figures fighting.

The hairs all over my body stood on end, the seductively woodsy scent I recognised and my wolf was trying to get to the surface. It only meant one thing.

Somehow, I found the strength to get to my feet, but as I did a figure dropped. Probably lifeless.

It got closer; I made no effort to move. My body was physically shutting down and it was no longer in my hands if I survived as I swayed on the spot struggling to stand.

I would've braced if I could for the contact to my face, the final punch or neck snap, but it was a firm yet gentle caress on both sides of my face. Warmth flooded through my skin for the first time in 48 hours and I could tell it was him.

"Evan?" I sobbed unable to contain the emotions.

"I'm here."

My breath caught in my throat and I just let my body fall forwards, swaying into him as my legs were buckling under my bodyweight.

"I'm so glad you're back." I mumbled into his chest as his arms wrapped around me, supporting my body.

"I'm sorry."

Relief washed over me and I just sobbed. I was tired, exhausted, hungry and in desperate need of a shower and a good nights sleep. His arms tightened as he noticed my body becoming heavier as my legs started to give way underneath me. I couldn't physically fight anymore, I had done what I promised.

All I remembered was his arms scooping me up, cradling me against his chest. With the last ounce of my effort, I laid my head on his shoulder and finally let unconsciousness take me as the breeze of the wind bit my now tear stained cheek. Amongst all my discomfort, it was almost irrelevant but I noticed it as the warmth from his body insulated mine.

My sleep was peaceful. I didn't remember anything one way or the other, I just fell asleep and the next thing I knew I woke up. I was engulfed in softness and warmth. Opening my eyes, I found myself in the penthouse suite. The sun was setting through the window that let what sunlight we had left through the glass.

Stretching out all my muscles just caused an immense ache to shoot all throughout my body and I groaned, remembering how exhausted I was. Then I remembered my mum.
Using all the energy I had stored up in my sleep, which wasn't much, I dragged my feet and eventually made it to the room I had left her in. My heart started hammering against my chest as the fear engulfed me. What if they hurt her to hurt me?

Hearing voices downstairs, I made my way, slowly again as I was somewhat unsteady on my feet as I stumbled down the stairs.

As soon as I walked into the kitchen area, I was instantly pushed into the wall and a large hand squeezed my throat.

"You dare show your face without the Alpha to protect you?"

"I don't need him to protect me."

"Oh yeah?" His smirk was one that send shivers down my spine. My eyes widened as I knew his thoughts were not good and I wouldn't get away unscathed.

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