Chapter Forty One: Treaty

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Evan POV

The initial welcome from the Crewes Alpha was neutral, which was a relief. I knew I had to keep an eye on Dean, but it helped that Crewes wasn't already on bad terms. He was only cautious of having me around his mate which was understandable, especially considering she was pregnant, which I could smell as soon as she walked into the room by accident.

It was easier to be happy for someone else now, what with a possible future forming for me too. I wasn't feeling resentful or jealous anymore, it was like a preview of what I could have one day.

The discussions were slow for a week, he was curious as to why I was proposing a truce so suddenly. I was reluctant to tell him the truth, especially with Dean stalking around. My eye would occasionally catch him talking to high ranking wolves in Crewes, testing the waters. From the glares I got from some, they were beginning to believe him.

The Luna was a very feminine woman in her late twenties. She was especially insistent on anything she decided she wanted, and around 9 days into the visit she wanted to talk to me alone. So I went for a walk with her through the mountains of the territory, she wanted to know about the pack. Basic stuff at first.

"So, tell me about her." She pressed making me smile slightly as I laughed.

"How'd you know?"

"I can see it, when you look at me and Nate. You're hopeful."

"For now. We'll see how she reacts when I get home."

"You haven't told her yet?"

"She knows. She just... Doesn't understand."


"We think she was born out of pack, or at least discarded near birth."

"She's a mutt?"

"Technically. But she is pack, in every way. Other than her education, she is pack. She's killed more mutts this year than me and my Beta combined."

"Oh. That is weird."

"Hmm... She was adopted into the pack, lost her dad early to a mutt invasion. Now she hates them worse than we do."

"What about her mother?"

"Human." I shook my head and I could see the pity in her eyes.

"She doesn't understand us?"

"Not completely... Took me months to get her to just look at me. She was too scared to risk being dominant in any way."

Her eyes widened. "You're certainly a patient man."

"It was better to wait than scare her and ruin everything."


She continued the questioning, about Rylee, finding out things about us she seemed to find interesting. As we got closer to their house, there was something wrong. The atmosphere felt tense and I felt watched. Just like at home.

Looking round I spotted the mutts pretty quickly, there was two of them. A nice number to take singlehandedly. I knew Liza didn't fight much, she wasn't trained for it.

"We only want the Luna today."

"I don't think so."

"We could kill you too, or you can leave now."

"No chance." I growled.

Fighting them off was easy but as I turned I saw one advancing on her, quickly. Instinctively, I ran and intercepted his attack, quickly breaking his neck.

"Liza!" Nates voice called as she was hyperventilating.

He checked her over, concluding she was fine just in a state of shock. This sort of thing clearly didn't happen often for Crewes. We all gave her five minutes to calm down as a team swept the circuit.

"Thank you." Her voice squeaked as she looked round at me. "You could have let them take me."

"No." I shook my head. "I couldn't. I've felt the pain of their intentions. No one should have to suffer that."

"You will have your treaty."

"Liza." Nate muttered and she shook her head at him.

"He's not what they say. He's just trying to keep his pack safe."

He sighed.

"What is it you want from us?"

"Just a promise that you won't join anyone in trying to overtake my pack."

His head snapped up. "What?"

He understood I was cautious to talk in the open, especially since Dean had shown up with some of the warriors and Crewe's Beta. He took us to a quiet area in his pack house, a meeting room. One I remembered from my childhood, where we first met years before.

"So, this room is sound proof. No one can hear us." He mentioned as he stood behind the chair Liza had sat on. She smiled up at him sweetly, as he placed his hand on her shoulder. She still looked rattled, but obviously settling.

I nodded and sighed. "For the last year, my pack has been under attack from mutt invasions. They've killed and abducted."

"And you think we'd side with mutts?" He scoffed, his tone accusatory.

"No. An informant has discovered that they're working for another pack, who are rallying against us."


"We also found that there are traitors in my pack. Highly ranked traitors."

"Your third." He stated.

"He's here to recruit you."

He paused and looked towards the door briefly.

"And you brought him here? Risking that he might succeed..."

My gaze dropped to the wood grain patterns in the table, as I ran my hand through my hair. I had a lot to do to convince him. I didn't know how I would manage that, but my thoughts drifted to Rylee and I couldn't help feel anger at remembering what Dean had done.

"To get him away from her." Liza stated. "He's here, risking your life, to save hers."

I just nodded glancing at her. "He thought it would be a good idea to kiss her. And another traitor has already challenged her."

"Who?" Crewes asked, not fully following the conversation.

"My mate." I smiled slightly, standing straighter enjoying the feeling of being able to say it.

"But, I heard... He's lying to try and get us to side against you."

"Probably... He'll be dead when we get home."

"You're not going to mate her first?" Liza asked.

"She's not ready." I shook my head. "Maybe one day."
My smile went back to being sad again, really feeling the distance. I was in the least, three days away.

After we finished our conversation, my thoughts remained on her, wondering what she was doing...

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