Chapter Eight: Relief

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Evan POV

"Hello. Can I help you?" She said with a polite tone, a good start I suppose.

"Maria?" I guessed anyway, she'd probably say no and I could move on and kill Zach for giving me the wrong address.

"Yes?" My spirits lifted.

"Maria Saunders?"

"That's me." My body relaxed but my mind raced, I had found her, or her mother at the least.

"I'm-" But my introduction was cut short.

"Wolf!" We both looked down at the young boy who patted my leg and sniffed the air. "You the black wolf!" My eyebrow raised in confusion and curiosity. He knew me and my wolf.

I scanned his features for a few seconds before I responded. He was definitely the boy she was protecting, I could sense his pack blood and smell her wolf all over him. "I am." I said crouching down to his level. "How do you know?"

"I smell you!" He said tapping his nose. "Wylee taught me how."

"And Rylee's your?" I encouraged.

"She's sister!" Another wave of relief, she didn't have a kid which meant she didn't have anything tying her to another man. At least it wasn't all a waste of time or I'd found her just to find she was taken.

"I'm Evan. Who are you?"


"I'm sorry." Maria stumbled and I stood again. "I didn't recognise you alpha." She looked sincerely apologetic. I didn't take offense to not being recognised like she apparently thought I'd be. If anything I should've been apologetic for not being a better alpha when she needed the help. She was human but her family wasn't, and I could feel his pack blood.

"Don't worry about it... Can I come in?"

"Of course." She said sounding surprised and stepped aside letting me walk in. Rylee's scent hit my nose, with others, but my wolf growled in appreciation. "Can I get you anything?" She asked shutting the door behind me and gestured down the hall to the kitchen.

"No thank you. I'm here for Rylee?" I asked getting straight to the point as I sat down.

"Rylee?" She asked sitting down looking confused.

"Yeah, uhh..." Crap. Too much to the point, I didn't have a reason to be there technically. "I check up on some of my young... And she saved my Beta's life. I'd like to talk to her." I added when she looked sceptical.

"Oh. She's not home at the moment, you're welcome to wait? She shouldn't be too long."

"Thank you." I said and looked at Jeremy who had just ran in to his mother. "How old is he?" I asked curiously, his senses were well developed for such a young, unturned wolf.


I started to doubt what I had been feeling and sensing. Surely Rylee couldn't be that old? Her mom was too young for her to be anywhere near my age. But, her wolf was fully grown which said she was at least of age. I just hoped she wasn't barely legal.

"His senses are quite developed for his age."

"Rylee keeps him sharp." She said as he ran off again. She smiled. "I don't know what I'd do without her." There was a tone of despair in her voice, probably for her husband.

"It's good for him to have someone to teach him. Her wolf probably helps him."

"Yes. He loves her wolf."

"Because of the colour?"

"I expect so. I think he's waiting for his own."

"He'll find it in about 10 years. It'd be best if he's trained as a human first."

"Oh. Uhh, I suppose Rylee will help him."

"Don't worry about it. I'll have someone begin his training once he's ten..."

"Uhm, he's not under the pack."

"What?" I snapped, not meaning to be rude to her but from my own anger. Regardless it made her jump.

"He was rejected because his father couldn't be put on his birth certificate."

"But I can sense his pack blood."

"But they couldn't be sure. And Rylee's not pack blood. Not by birth."

"She's not pack?"

"No, she is." She rushed almost desperately. "But she's adopted. She wasn't born into the pack." Well that explained a lot.

"So, because she's not a descendant of the pack, your son who is a descendent was rejected?"


"Idiots." I snarled to myself. "I'll sort that out later, he has pack blood. He is pack." I began to think. Maybe that's why she didn't want me following her, it'd take me back to her brother, who isn't pack in the eyes of the pack. She wasn't either according to most, but if she was my luna, they'd quickly changed their views on the family.

It was awkwardly silent for a minute, I didn't know if she had spoken but I just knew I was angry at someone in my pack for such a fuck up. The sound of the door opening snapped me out of my anger and my fists relaxed. Footsteps rushed up the stairs into a room directly above me, I listened to her rushing about.

"That'll be her." She said and went out to the hall. "Hunni? Is that you?"

"Yeah mum! Just getting changed." Her voice soothed my wolf, it made me smile absentmindedly.

When the footsteps came back down the stairs I stood and went to the hall. I didn't know what they said, I was too intrigued by her fresh scent which filled my senses and I fought to contain my wolf. I'd never been so close. Then I realised I had finally found her. The she-wolf that saved a beta, fought four mutts, the scent that had sent me running round town just trying to find its source. I had finally found the girl that had eluded me, that made me anxious and tense just thinking about. The girl that gave me insomnia.

I just watched her back waiting to see my Luna. She had to be my Luna. Please be my Luna.

She turned around and I finally saw her face.

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