Chapter Seventy Two: Wishing

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I wasn't abandoned and I had grown up knowing what I was from my birth. A lot of people had said they didn't envy my responsibilities growing up but the more I thought about how difficult it would have been, not understanding what was happening to me, I would've lost it. The hunger, mood swings, even the lust. It was all inhumanly, and being surrounded by humans would make it harder because you'd stand out. My upbringing seemed like a breeze compared to hers.

Then she had asked about her wolf. I was completely stumped, no clues on that one. I could only assume that she had a white wolf – which never happened, even to the elderly – because it was a genetic defect or mutation. But I wasn't so worried about that one, her wolf was beautiful and the perfect opposite to my pitch black one.

A few hours later and we were almost half way, but my eyes were getting tired and my eyelids heavy. I had to pull over for a few minutes to get my eyes to see straight again. Driving wasn't my favourite thing to do in the night.

Seconds after I had turned the engine off, she stirred.

"You okay?" She asked still sounding sleepy but obviously had been on the edge of consciousness that she noticed the car stopping.

"Yeah, just need a minute."

She looked at me with half open eyes, surveying me.

"Liar... Come on. I'll drive." She took her belt off and grabbed the door handle.

"You know the way?"

"I'll find it. I'm good with navigation."

I just laughed quietly to myself as I got out the car and swapped sides with her.

It wasn't until I watched her pull away that I realised how comfortable she was in a car, even though she didn't drive often.

"How can you drive?" I just blurted out before I could really consider thinking about it myself.

"Terramend." She smiled and glanced at me. "My education was lot more intense than yours. I learnt the hell of a lot. You wouldn't believe me if I told you everything that happened."

"Maybe one night we will have to share stories around the campfire."

"My adventures on the front line compared to your sexual exploits across Europe? No thanks. I'd rather not."

"What makes you think that's all I did in Europe?"

"Oh I know it's not, but that's all anyone ever remembers."


She just smiled. "Could be worse, I could be the stroppy and possessive kind of mate that gets angry because you had a life before me."

"You don't care?"

"No, why would I? I did the same, it just wasn't so public."

My eyes narrowed on her and I could see by the way her lips curled up that she knew what I was thinking.

"You didn't expect me to be a virgin did you? Because I'm sorry, that ship sailed years ago."

"No, but now I'm wondering how many-"

"Ah, couldn't tell you that."

"That bad?"

"No. Only a few. They were just an outlet."

A few, so multiple, but I couldn't sense anything around her that said that. I didn't know her scent before, but I would be able to tell, surely.

"I can't smell them."

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