Chapter Thirteen: Invitations

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Rylee POV

I woke up tired, feeling the effects of my lack of sleep. What with my anxiety of being attacked and my wolf being mad I didn't get much sleep. My temperature kept spiking and when I was comfortable I grew more anxious.

I sighed and got out of bed. It was Sunday, which meant just an evening shift and the rest of the day was free.

When I went downstairs I found the house empty. There was a note on the table telling me that mum had taken Jeremy out and they would be back soon. I wondered what I would do. I didn't really have friends, not much to do. I didn't want to just watch TV all day. Jeremy was what kept me busy.

I decided to go for a walk in the forest like I used to, I didn't have the time since coming back to really just spend time there. I was always with Jeremy, running or fighting to really just enjoy it and if I came across a mutt? Bonus.

The fresh air and homey feel helped settle my wolf even though I was on two legs. Whatever had her on edge and mad she couldn't help but relax in the sanctuary of the trees with the rivers calming rush and the musky scents. I caught a few wolves scent, all pack, but I didn't meet any of them.

I found myself gravitating towards the river, I ran towards my favourite clearing.

I couldn't help but smile as I looked over the rivers peaceful landscape. The breeze made the overgrown grass sway and the leaves on the trees rustle. Birds were chirping from their nests and a few flew away looking for sanctuary elsewhere. The best part? The peaceful scenery was all mine, no wolves, no mutts, no one was around. I could just relax alone.

I was laid on my back watching the clouds when I heard movement. I shot up looking over my shoulder. I sighed when I saw Zach. "Don't do that."

"Sorry." He smiled. "Just checking to see you were still alive." He said sitting next to me.

"And you had to sneak up on me to do that?"

"I uhh..." He said ruffing up his hair more. "I was thinking about my brother's reaction when I told him you were dead."

"Uhh, okay?"

"He would've been livid if a mutt killed you."

"Yeah me too. I'd haunt the fucker."

He laughed. "I'm sure you would."

"Looking for mutts?" I asked curiously.

"Just making sure. Don't want a repeat of last night."

"Yeah, tell me about it." I mumbled. "Find any?"

"No. Think they're planning an attack."

"Sounds like a fun party to break up."

"If I find anything I'll bring you as a plus one."

I laughed. "Sounds fun. But I wouldn't want to third wheel you and your brother."

"We can make an exception for you."

"So I can save both your asses?" I said with a slight smirk.

"Last I checked we were even."

"But you brought back up. And technically your brother saved me so unless he pays all your debts..."

"Fair point." He chuckled. "Let's just hope it's a debt I never need to repay."

"I doubt that."

"Because you run into danger."

"I'm fast enough to run in and out of danger before you even realise what's going on."

"Yeah I noticed. But you need to work on the running out part."

"No one ever got anywhere by running away, except backwards."

"I guess... Speaking of backwards, I need to finish my circuit." He said standing up again. "See ya later."

When I got home I saw they were back. I let myself in and went into the kitchen assuming that was where mum would be. She was sat at the table. She looked up and smiled. "This came for you." She said holding up a black envelope.

I took it as I took a seat and saw it had my name written across it in a cursive silver. I looked at it confused for a moment before she encouraged me to open it and I did so.

As soon as I read the first line I dropped it and stood backing away as if it could explode.

"What's wrong?" She asked picking it up.

"I-I'm not going."

"Why not? It's just a dinner party."

"I-No. No."

"Rylee! It's just a party. Why don't you want to go?"

"Why would they invite me? Why are they talking to me? Why is he everywhere I turn?" I almost shouted frustrated.


"The alpha!"

"Well he-Oh." Her face turned to realisation and she looked at me. "Rylee... What do you think of the alpha?"

"He's my alpha, what else am I supposed to think?"

"No, I mean. Why don't you want to go? Don't you like him?"

"He's my alpha I have to like him."

"Are you scared of him?"

"Of course I'm scared of him. He punched a hold into a mutt's chest with his bare fists, I'd be stupid not to be scared!"

"He won't hurt you Rylee."

"How do you know?"

"He uhm... He's your alpha, he's here to protect you, not hurt you."

"But if I'm too dominant or if I do something to make him angry he will!"

"That's nonsense. This is a thoughtful invitation, you have nothing to be scared of."

"I don't know many people mum. Most people who do know me don't like me or talk to me."

"Well Jennifer is happy to introduce you to people."

"You know they all think I'm a mutt. Just because the ex Luna introduces me doesn't mean they'll accept me."

"Just, try. Please hunni?"

"Why does it matter to you so much?"

"Because I know your father would've wanted you to go and be part of the pack."

I sighed. She pulled out the dad card and I had no choice. "Fine. What's the party for this time?" I asked crossing my arms knowing I didn't care.

"The alphas birthday."

"Fuck." I muttered, it was an important one. Only the top ranking and trusted went. A good place to make a show. "Why did they invite me? That's for important people."

"You saved the betas life and dealt with mutts. It's just a thankyou... You're more important than you think Rylee."

"You sound like the alpha."

"Then he's wise like his father."

"Yeah." I muttered. "Just like his father." I mumbled feeling a little down suddenly. He was very similar to his father, especially in how he ran the pack.

I went up to my room and dug into the bottom of my closet pulling out the box. I took out the little vial and looked at it knowing what I should do.

Like A LunaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora