Chapter Two: Homecoming

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Rylee POV

I used my key to let myself in and the smell of my mother's lustrous cooking hit my nose. I couldn't help but smile as my mouth watered for the roasting beef. "I'm home." I called. I heard a yell and the pitter patter of feet above me. "Wylee!" Jeremy shouted as he ran down the stairs, I crouched down at the bottom and caught him as he jumped into my arms. "I miss you." He said clutching onto me for dear life.

"I missed you too kiddo." I said holding him tighter and looked up to see our mum stood there smiling. She wore dark blue skinny jeans and a floral top which made her look older than she was. She had tied her mid length brunette hair up in a ponytail and the bags under her eyes told me she hadn't been sleeping much, probably because she was up trying to comfort Jeremy. It was hopeless but she wasn't. She tried the best she could for that kid even if she knew it wouldn't help. Ever since he was born nothing soothed him like my touch. The wolf buried deep inside him found solace in another wolfs touch, most people who saw me with him assumed I was his mother because he clung onto me desperately.

"Welcome home dear." She smiled pulling me into a hug the best she could with Jeremy in the way.

"Thank you mum." I said shifting Jeremy onto my hip and kissed her cheek. "It's good to be back."

"Wylee stay now?"

"Yeah. I'm home now."

"Yay yay yay." He chanted kicking his legs out. "Food!"

We both laughed at his outburst. "Where do you want to go kid?" I asked.


"Gina's it is then. Is there anything you need to do before we go?" I asked.

"No, just about finished up till later."

"Okay then. Let's go."

After eating what felt like half my body weight in food my wolf was finally satisfied. Jeremy ate more than your typical six year old devouring an adults size portion of fries and a burger, even finishing off his mother's leftovers. The diner was owned by pack, which meant they never questioned when people ate unusual amounts of food, they understood and they appreciated the extra income.

"Ice cream!" Jeremy shouted dropping his fork once he had finished eating.

I laughed. "Alright Jer. We can get ice cream."

"But no snacks before supper!" Maria added in with a stern look.

I just smiled. "It won't hurt him." I said. "The more he eats the stronger his wolf will be." I said quieter stroking his blonde scruffy hair. "Although he does eat a lot." I muttered looking down at him. "Perhaps mums right chub."

"No ice cream?" His bottom lip wobbled and my heart broke as his eyes glimmered threatening tears.

"You can have ice cream."

He smiled. "Now?"

"Yeah, come on." I said getting out the booth and let him jump out. "Go with mum and I'll be right behind you."

"Okay!" He took her hand and they left. I grabbed the plates balancing them on my arms and took them over to the counter.

"Thanks Hun." Ellie said as she chewed her gum, it was fresh by the smell of it.

"Sure thing." I said and took the cash out my pocket paying for our overly expensive lunch before I followed them out the diner headed for the ice cream parlour down the road.

I paused only momentarily as I crossed a scent which piqued my interest. It was a cross between natural musk and freshly mown grass. It had a twinge of a tang to it, like a perfume or cologne. Either way it appealed to me and made my wolf hum, I had to force myself to walk away from it making my wolf whine in despair.

As we were walking home another distinctive scent hit my nose. I growled stopping. "Mutts." I snarled.


I heard a whine and my wolf was ready, standing tall in all her glory ready to protect our family. "Take him inside. I'll be there soon."


"It's okay mum. I'll be okay."

"Be careful." She pleaded, her eyes mirroring the concern they showed when I was in the hospital after jumping off the roof.

"I am. Don't talk to anyone." She just nodded and I ran off down a couple of blocks and into the darkness of the trees. As I got closer I heard the sounds of wolves fighting. I kicked my shoes off and stripped bare dropping to all fours to turn.

The feel of all my bones breaking and shifting was as agonising as ever, but over the years it was easier to handle. It only took me a couple of minutes to turn into my gleaming white wolf form before I bolted in the direction of the howls. I found myself at a clearing next to the waterfall where the ditch ended in a fall down to the water pool below. A great brown wolf, unknown to me by sight, was being backed off the edge of the cliff by three mutts. I knew they were mutts by the dirty matted coats on the wolves. I ran and jumped onto the one furthest to the left and rolled with it kicking him off the cliff. I instantly stood snarling at the wolf in front of me. Now the odds were even.

I risked a glance to the side at my 'partner' and he nodded. We both lunged for the mutts and the fights broke out but it didn't take too long to kill them both. He was pack and well trained, definitely high ranking by the way he fought and his stature. He held his head high and his tail up. A sign of power.

As we dragged the bodies to the edge of the cliff and kicked them off we saw the third mutt dragging itself to the shore. I snarled and bolted knowing the pack wolf was hot on my tail, till I stepped it up a gear. Like anyone that ran with or after me, I left him in the dust.

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