Chapter Twenty Six: Ignition

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Evan POV:

Knowing she was finally getting some rest i was able to relax, somewhat. Obviously i still had things to do but it made me feel better knowing she would be okay.

She headed into the house and i made my way over to Zach, who was training some warriors.
"How is she?"
"We'll see when we hear about Jeremy."
"What happened?"
"Seems like a mundane invasion. The kid got shot."
"Shit. Is he gonna make it?"
"I don't know. Her mom's awake and will be okay, but, the kid just got out of surgery."
His eyes widened, he had been in surgery all night and i knew we were both thinking the same thing. It was really serious. We swere both pacing outside when our father had been in surgery, it had taken 12 hours to try and stitch him back up after an attack.
"Is there nothing we can do?"
Shaking my head i watched the warriors sparring. "It's up to him now."
"It's too much of a coincidence to not be mutts."
"I know, but even mutts dont tend to use firearms."
"We can't rule it out, they could be changing."
"Let's hope not. I don't want to be having to arm our warriors."
"We might have to."

For a few hours i left Zach to check the perimeter and handle training as I tried to call around and see what i could find out. As far as anyone could tell, it was a human related incident, purely a coincidence and just bad luck. I wanted to be relived, but i couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it.
As the hours went by I began to wonder if she had actually gone to sleep or if she had just said it.
Cautiously, i slowly opened the door when i decided i couldnt hear anything other than her breathing which was deeper than before.
She was definitely sleeping as she was optop of the bed covers, facing towards the door so i could see her face. Her expression was neutral and for once she looked fully at ease, no barriers up and no hidden anxieties.

For a minute i simply watched her, scanning her faceial features that were usually hidden or just not in sight long enough to really see them as she hid her face from me. I could see the way her eyebrows arched and her lips curved. Her nose scrunched up as something was happening in her probably dream filled sleep. Her chest was rising and falling more rapidly and deeply than her normal shallow breathing she did to keep her wolf under control. Some strands of hair were sprawled across her face where she had rolled over at some point.
Reluctantly pulling my eyes away from her face, i noticed she was still wearing her shoes which probably wouldn't be comfortable when she woke up but i didn't want to risk waking her, so i left it.

Sighing as i shut the door i was finally relieved that she was resting and seemed to be functioning again, or atleast attempting to.

A few hours later i was caught by Zach who was headed outside to the campfire pits for a barbeque, which i assume was my mothers doing. She was concerned at Rylee's lack of socialising, she wanted her to be part of the pack and feel like it. Food was always a good way to go with wolves, we're always hungry and i guessed she thought it would be a way to get Rylee to meet more people. Which could have possibly worked if she wasnt still sleeping nearly 12 hours later.
That was until her scent drifted in the light breeze, making me look round. Zach had his arm slung round her shoulders guiding her in our direction. She didn't look that willing, but she obviously didn't want to argue about it and just kept walking.
"Sit! I'll get us some food."
Reluctantly, she took a seat next to me, where he had left her and nudged her forward. As she sat down i noticed she had changed and was now wearing my clothes i had grabbed the night before so she could change into something for bed. It left a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

As usual she was very quiet and somewhat avoidant, refusing to look at me properly but she barely lifted her gaze off the floor. Even when Zach brought food over for all of us she didn't seem to want anything, which i knew was just her being stubborn. She hadnt eaten anything properly for over 24 hours, she was bound to be hungry. It wasnt until we all heard a familiar howl and all of our heads snapped up. Her eyes lit up as they stared into the trees, a scowl forming on her face.
"Sounds like your friends are calling." Dean, one of the warriors, sneered at her. I could sense her body tense as her arm brushed mine. She had her hands clenched into fists and her jaw was tense. She went to stand up but i grabbed her arm keeping her sat down.
"A team, time to go hunt." I announced making everyone look to me confused.
"But it's B teams turn." Tina, one of the A warriors, said.
"Then you can thank Dean, he just nominated you for an extra shift." I snarled. "Go."
No one dared to answer back or question me, they simply nodded and ran off into the darkness, towards the direction of the howl.
"I'll go make sure everythings good." Zach said as he stood.
"Be careful."
"Arent i always?" He asked with a smirk over his shoulder.
He took off, following the warriors.
"Thank you." Her voice said quietly, but loud enough for me to hear. To my surprise, she actually looked at me. Her eyes met mine for a second before she glanced to the others still sat around. "I know me being here unsettles everyone."
"You're not one of them Rylee. I know you don't feel it, but you are part of this pack. When all this blows over and goes back to normal, you'll be initiated officially."
She looked to me again, her eyes watching mine in surprise, or shock, one of the two.
"I-I-" She sighed and smiled weakly, her eyes reflecting the light from the fire. "Thank you. For everything."
"You're part of this pack. If it means everyone will accept you we will do it by the book... You're too spirited to be anything else."
She smiled, the first real smile I had seen from her. Even with the possibility on an ongoing attack, I couldn't help but enjoy the moment.
"Your dad used to tell me the same thing."
"You knew him?"
"Yeah. He trained me after my spine healed."
"He was the one that sent you to Terramend?"
"Yeah, he thought it would help my wolf. But I still have anger issues." She shrugged.
"We all do." I smiled and laughed to myself shaking my head. "How did I not know?"
"It was a secret. He knew I wouldn't be accepted, especially being so young. He wanted me to be able to defend myself, so he would train me at night when no one was around."
"Well that explains a lot."
She just smiled. "I was trained by Alphas."
Little did she know she wasn't just trained like an Alpha, she was meant to be one.

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