Chapter Forty Seven: Initial Ideas

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Evan POV

For a couple of days, I could see what she meant. Every time I saw her, she was struggling with something. Temperature, pain, turning or sickness. A few times I had tried to leave her be, but after half a day I couldn't stand it anymore. It was selfish of me, but I needed her. I was determined to get past it the best I could, but I always found my way back to her.

As each day passed she looked more and more drained. I didn't want to push her, but it was the rejection doing this. She was pushing it away, not accepting the bond and it made everything worse. She wouldn't sleep well since her wolf was torturing her for it.

Since I had first seen her in the suite, shaking as she burned up I couldn't sleep either. All I could think about was what was going to happen, what she was going to end up like. Would it kill her? It definitely seemed so. And what would happen to us? Rejection was all kinds of torture, and I didn't want to lose her.

As I was trying to decide what to do about it all, there was a knock at my door. Light, fragile almost. It was an unusual hour so it must have been important.

As soon as I opened the door, her scent hit me. She was shivering, the shadows under her eyes getting worse.

"I uhh, I couldn't sleep." She mumbled. I just stepped aside and let her in.

"Sorry I woke you." She mumbled as I shut the door.

"You didn't. I couldn't sleep either."

"Oh. Did I interrupt something?"

"Only my insomnia."

"Sorry." She mumbled biting her lip.

"It's fine Rylee." I reassured, running my thumb across her lip gently tugging it free. "I sleep better when you're around."

"I know the feeling." She muttered.

"Let's just get some sleep."

"Okay." I took her hand and headed to the bed, climbing in as she crawled in sheepishly. "Will it always be like this?" She asked glancing up at me.

"It'll get easier, but I'd rather you stay in my bed." I said and wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her closer. She was freezing and she shivered. It didn't take long for the shivering to subside and her temperature to begin to return to normal.

She fell asleep pretty quickly, leaving me to fight unconsciousness as I enjoyed her being close. Knowing I had to give in, I fell asleep with her in my arms.

The night was restful. So much so that I didn't wake up until I felt her moving, trying to get out of my grasp.

"Where you going so early?"

"I have to get ready for work. I go back today."

"You don't have to."

"I do... I'll be back later, I promise I'm not running."

I simply sighed, scanning her features.

"I'm not running." She repeated. "But I can't just sit around here all day."

Part of me knew she was right, but I didn't want to let her go. I wanted her here, close. It was selfish, I knew that, everything I decided to do with her was. But I couldn't help it.

She was the kind of person that had to do something, she didn't like sitting around all day and I understood that.

"Alright. I'll come get you when you finish."

"No, it's fine."

"Rylee. There's a lot we need to figure out, we can go get something to eat while we talk."

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