Chapter Sixty: A Pack of Mutts

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Evan POV

I watched her, running to danger and I couldn't follow. Both Alphas left to watch other the others Luna. The only difference is I had an advantage, my Luna could fight and relished in the thrill of it. I knew how important Liza was to him, so I gladly took on the job of her protector.

From my own experiences and that of my parents, the house was usually safe. The Luna would reside inside with plenty of warriors for protection, but very rarely would the attack reach them. She kept calm.

"Suppose it's time to go inside."

"Probably best." I nodded and followed her inside. She took us to a master bedroom but I could tell by the lack of scents that it wasn't in use. Instinctively I took my place by the window, scanning the clearing for danger.

"So, Rylee."

She didn't have to say anymore, I knew what she was thinking. Last time we had a conversation about her it was about my patience. I couldn't stop the smile spreading across my face even though there was an imminent threat.

"I'm glad you managed to win her round."

"It hasn't sunk in yet." I admitted. "But she'll be amazing, I know she will."

"She will. But you haven't got a Luna."

Looking round to her I tried to decode what she was saying.

"From the way she fearlessly ran towards the danger, you have an Alpha Female." She said coming over to join me by the window but her smile disappeared and all the colour drained from her face when she spotted something.

Snapping my head round I saw what had scared her. They were under attack, the enemy had quickly infiltrated the territory headed towards us.

"Let's go."

She stayed frozen.

"Liza, we have to go."

She shook her head, tears streaming down her face.

"Liza." I said taking her hands, pulling her attention. "If we stay here they'll find us. I promise I'll keep you safe but we have to go... Trust me."

She was hesitant but I managed to get her moving. We could hear the fighting as we made our way stealthily out the house, only running into a couple of mutts which were easy to take down.

By the time we got outside it was another story. We reached the shelter of the trees but the mutts that found us got more difficult to defeat. At one point I had to tell her to run whilst I tried to deal with two.

A wolf jumped in throwing me into a nearby tree and all of them had run in pursuit of Liza.

"No!" I growled and took after them as fast as I could.

Her distant screams made my blood run cold. Going into overdrive I fought as hard as I could, they weren't winning this time.

I managed to catch up, distracting them enough to slow them down but not enough to stop them. Every time one fell two took it's place. Slowly I was growing tired.

Just as all seemed out of my grasp, a couple of wolves jumped in, protecting Liza.

I hasn't noticed Nate joined us until he yelled for Liza. Looking up I spotted her frozen to where she stood as a great wolf was almost on her.

Movement from my left made my hair stand on end. As Rylee's body flew through the air, colliding with the wolf I dropped on impact. A sharp freezing pain shot through my abdomen.

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