Chapter Fifty Five: Narcissists

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Evan POV

My eyes were glued to the CCTV screen, her voice coming through the speakers as she spoke. It was dangerous, he had been known to be able to clutch victory out of nowhere. He was weakened, but he had this unique ability to pull enough strength to make a final and vicious attack.

"I'm here. What do you want?"

There was a few seconds where he simply stood, walking over to the cell bars.

"I wanted to see the mutt that's going to destroy our pack."

"No. There's more."

"You're just some little power hungry whore." He snarled.

"How original of you." She dead-panned.

"What makes you think you can be a Luna?"

"Nothing... It's not my decision to make, it's not yours either."

"Yeah right." He scoffed. "You've been controlling the Alpha since you got here. You got him to go to Crewes and changed his mind about his own damn brother!"

"Not really."

"Don't even deny it, you're running this pack. All you have to do is spread your legs and the Alpha's falling at your feet."

A small growl emanated from my chest and my hands clenched into fists as I forced myself to stay where I was.

"Good to know I have so much power." She chimed, obviously goading him.

"Bitch!" He screamed hitting the bars. "You know what you've done!"

"Whatever I want apparently."

"You stupid fucking whore!" He screamed and lunged for the bars again, this time his hand shooting through the bars and grabbing her throat.

Just as I was about to go running down to the cells, Zach grabbed my arm. "Wait... She's fine."

"He's got her by the throat!"


Peeling my eyes to the screen my heart started racing. She was in danger and I didn't know what I was about to watch.

She laughed. "You won't kill me. You won't even hurt me."

"Test me mutt."

"I don't need to. You wanted to talk to me, and it wasn't just to call me a whore. You want something."

He growled. "You're not just a whore you're a traitorous whore! You turned you back on the Alpha and your Allies!"

"So which one?"


"Are you related to Dean or Kayla?... Dean... That's all I need to know." She grabbed his wrist and turned it making him let go of her throat and she quickly pushed his arm so it snapped as it wrapped round the bar making him scream in pain and pull away.

She just waltzed away, towards us and I looked to the door as she came in, shutting the door behind her.

"You okay?" I asked lifting her chin so I could see her neck with light red marks.

"I'm fine." She said taking my hand and pulling it away. "What is it you wanted to find out from him?"

"Why he's trying to kill you and why he suddenly hates me."

"Well, that's obvious."

I just looked at Zach who seemed just as confused as I was. She rolled her eyes.

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