Chapter Fifty Two: Compromise

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Rylee POV

My heart was racing, I couldn't get him out of my head. I hadn't realised how much I had missed him until we pulled up outside the hospital. It had been torturous without him, especially what with everything I had going on. But I was glad, he was in the hospital and safe when everything was kicking off. He couldn't be touched.

I had never been so anxious, I was scared. He was about to leave the safety of the hospital. Fortunately, I had manged to sort our new 'safe house'. Evan had arranged everything so I could spend a week organising the move and getting all of Jeremy's things unpacked in the new room. I had decorated it to look like the forest, trees and a lake running through it with a few wolves dotted throughout. It was the hell of a project but I was proud of it and I knew Jeremy would like it.

The wolves I had included looked like mine, our fathers and Evan's. Although, I didn't realise I was painting Evans wolf until I had done it, I had decided to add in Zach and the old Alpha too. All the important wolves in my life that I knew or had known. Fated to be family.

As soon as the doors opened and my eyes laid on Jeremy, I couldn't stop the tears. Everything was finally getting better, falling into place. Relief washed over me as I scooped him up in a firm embrace. My breath was shaky as I inhaled his scent that I had missed. He was safe and going home. And that's where we went.

"We go home?" Jeremy asked confused as I pulled up outside the house in the land rover Evan had lent me.

"This is home kiddo." I smiled weakly looking round at him. "New home."

"Bad men know we here?"

"No baby." She smiled and glanced to me, I knew what she was thinking and it made me turn back round to hide the blush. "We're safe now."

Looking in the rear-view mirror I could see his smile as he bounced around in his seat.

"I ready!"

He was in awe of every room, his mouth dropping and making us laugh. It was safe to assume he approved. Then he got to the bedroom. The last room, his.

He gasped as his eyes widened and he jumped around, only freezing when he spotted the wolf on the wall which resembled our father.


"Yeah kiddo. That's dad."

He smiled. "He watch me now."

"He's always watching you, now you can watch him too." I said running my hand through his hair.

"Thank you." He hugged me tightly and ran off, looking round the room again, spotting each wolf and identifying them. Until he got to the old Alpha.

"Who dis?" He asked pointing.

"That's the Alpha's father. The one who saved me."

He looked back to the wolf, running his hand over its head as if petting it. "Scawy."

"Yeah, but they have to be to protect us." I said crouching next to him. "They can be scary, but they would never hurt us." I said as I took his hand and his eyes continued to wander.

"They friends?"

"More like family."


"Yeah uh, a pack." I corrected rubbing the back of my head feeling awkward.

Leaving Jeremy to play, I went downstairs and had tea with my mum. She was admiring the décor too.

"You did well Rylee, it looks great."

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