Chapter Sixty Two: Adapting

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Evan POV

My blood ran ice cold. She wouldn't meet my eyes, I could sense her guilt.

"No. Not fucking happening."

"Evan-" She sighed.

"No Rylee! You're not letting them take you!"

"What if it stops them?"

"What if it doesn't?"

She sighed again, looking to the floor.

"Listen to me." I pleaded, grabbing her face to make her look at me. "Your emotions are heightened, you're not thinking straight. You're a good warrior but you're not with it right now. You need to adjust for a couple of days."

"Adjust to what?"

"Being an Alpha... Ask Liza, the first week of being mated to an alpha makes you feel out of control."

"Whatever." She scoffed not believing me.

"Your wolfs bonded to mine now, it's going to change. You're adjusting to my temperament, appetite and emotions not to mention the power. You'll feel different for a while before it settles... You know I'm right." I added as she looked away. "You ate more than you ever have this morning and you knew I was in trouble."

"Alright, even if you're right I can't change it."

"No, but you can trust me."

"I do."

"No, you don't. You're trying to go on a suicide mission rather than let me and Nate even consider other options."

"I-I just, I don't want anyone else to die."

"I know. But we need to know their plans before we even consider putting you out there. You could let them take you and they continue this rampage."

"So what? I sit around like a good little mate and just wait for them to attack again?"

"Help us figure it out. In the mean time, Nate's offered to let you train with his warriors to let off some steam."

"As if it'll help." She crossed her arms leaning back against the wall. "I've already kicked their assess at Terramend."

"You can kick everyone's ass... Even mine."

Her eyes flashed to me and she looked away. "I've never beaten you."

"Because you let me win... You think I wouldn't know?"

"I-I don't... Alright so I don't fully invest in our fights. It doesn't mean anything."

I chuckled and wrapped an arm round her waist, kissing her forehead.

"It means everything." I mumbled and looked down at her. "You sacrifice your pride for mine."

"You're the Alpha."


"You're supposed to be the best fighter in this pack." She mumbled and instantly I was smiling. I knew where she heard that because I had heard it from the same source.

"He told you that."

She nodded. "He did. When he came to visit Terramend. He saw how well I was doing and warned me about beating Alphas. I had to learn to throw a fight."

"He was right, when you were unranked. Now you are an Alpha, you don't throw a fight to anyone."

"Not even you?"

"Not even me. Maybe you'll teach me a few things." I said caressing her cheek and she sighed, nuzzling my palm as she tried to hide the smile.

"Okay. But, only when were not being watched."

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