Chapter Thirty: Extraction

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Rylee POV:

We held out breath, not daring to move as the sound of the rushed footsteps echoed around the rocks surrounding us. They were debating on looking inside the waterfall, fortunately, they concluded it was too dangerous for anyone to enter, thanks to their mundane abilities.

As soon as the sound of their voices and footsteps disappeared, their scents started to fade and I sighed in relief.

"That was close." Mumbling to myself, I forgot he was there until his arms moved slightly, loosening their grip that they still had on me since I had tripped on the ledge. The space was small, I couldn't step away.

"You, okay?" He asked quietly, his breath fanning across the side of my face as I kept my gaze on the floor, feeling awkward.

"Yeah," I breathed, "I'll be fine."

"Were you following them?"

"Just keeping a distance. I didn't want to lose them."

"How long were you watching them?"

"Long enough to know they have pack wolves working for them."

"What?" He growled and instantly his arms tensed, my hand on the wall was the only thing that stopped my face crashing into his shoulder.

"They were meeting some pack wolves."

"Who?" I felt his hands on my waist, grabbing fistfuls of the t-shirt.

"I don't know." I whispered, holding my breath not knowing how to answer his questions when I was practically flush against him.

He sighed, relaxing slightly. I could see his head drop slightly out the corner of my eye.

"Rylee," He muttered softly, "please tell me they aren't from our pack?" his voice was quiet, but I could hear how stern it was as he spoke directly next to my ear.

"I didn't recognise them, but I don't know everyone here. I'm sorry."

"...You have nothing to be sorry for." He whispered, his voice never sounding so gentle. It was a side I had never really seen to an Alpha, it almost made him seem normal as he was almost vulnerable seeming.

"Do you think it's safe to leave? You probably need to call back your warriors and I don't really want to bleed out."

"Yeah, you're right. Think you can make it out?"

"I can make it." I nodded and looked towards the ledge. "I think."

Looking at the gap, I wondered if I could. It was only a few feet wide, but I had already slipped once due to the wound in my leg taking most of my strength. Images of me slipping to the bottom of the thirty-foot waterfall invaded my mind, I had to close my eyes to try and shake it out of my head. A shiver went through my spine and as the cold shot through my body, I noticed how much of his body I could feel against mine as only the t-shirt separated us, which meant he could feel mine.

Confidence wasn't my issue, I had trained enough to be toned and well built, I was maybe a bit bigger than most but it wasn't too bad. What I found awkward and in part embarrassing, was the fact I wanted to stay there and get closer. I was snug in his arms. I put it down to my wolf, she must have been playing up near the full moon.

"Come on, I'll help you."

"Thank you." I muttered with my throat going dry, I had to clear it to make my voice stronger again.

He went first, his hand brushed against my hip and I cursed my wolf for being so touchy and responsive. As I noticed he was waiting on the other side I had to just try and push it to the back of my mind as I got closer to the ledge, ready to step over or jump. Either was a risky manoeuvre with my leg.

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