Wrong Place, Wrong Time

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They danced together some more, until Mark was interrupted by  phone call, and mumbling when he saw the display, he excused himself. "It's work." he muttered, pulling away from the crowd. She waved him away and danced a little more, but after earning a nasty look for stepping onto a stranger's toe, she decided she'd had enough for the night.

She searched around for Jess, and spotted her sitting at the bar, apparently having forgotten the drinks she'd promised. She was engaged in a conversation with the someone beside her, throwing her head back to laugh.

As Kate moved closer and the crowd shifted from her vision, she realized Jess was sitting with a man. A man with a very handsome back wearing an expensive looking shirt, with burnished white blond hair. Jess was laughing at something he was saying—he just oozed the confident charisma of someone who was good looking and knew it, and the way Jess was looking at him caused Kate to frown and hurry towards them.Sometimes she thought Jess went too far for an almost engaged woman,and this was time for a friendly intervention before Jess did something she would later regret.

The man leaned towards Jess, his shirt straining attractively against his muscular torso, and tilted his head to whisper suggestively in her ear. Laughing, Jess placed her hand on his shoulder—and smartly pushed him away, lifting her hand to show him Mark's ring on her finger, laughing in amusement. Kate slowed down, smiling. Of course her friend had it under control. The man raised his hands good naturedly, shifting away from her, and Jess glanced over her shoulder, spotting Kate, and beckoned her, jerking her head towards her companion eagerly. Kate shook her head in amusement, gauging his easy going attitude. He might be hot, but Kate was certainly not going for a womanizer.

Oh, she called Luke a womanizer, but she had never gotten the sense of easy charm from him that she got from the mere back of the person next to Jess, and she suddenly realized she had mislabeled Luke. She would have to apologize.

Kate slipped on a stool on the other side of Jess, nodding at the bartender, and Jess immediately tugged her elbow, "Brace yourself, Kitty Kat." Jess said in hushed tones, her voice heavy with implication, "This guy--he's hotter than the hot hotel dude."she made little jerking motions towards the man who was already immersed in the woman next to him, his back to them. Kate's eyes widened.

"No way, Jess." she warned.

"Yes way. I know two blonds together isn't the hottest thing ever, but I think this could work. If there's anyone who's going to make you swoon, it's him. The man just oozes se—"

"Jess, no. Seriously—"

"Please,Kate." Jess was saying in a hushed whisper, "What's a little introduction?" she wiggled her brows, "Maybe you could blow off a little steam while you're at it? You've been looking quite...frustrated lately."

"I have?" Kate blinked. Was it that obvious she spent her days battling images of Luke and trying to bring her body under control? She'd even taken up running to her destinations, to help curb the frustration.

Jess looked at her meaningfully.

Kate sighed, but she was in a good mood so she gave a noncommittal grunt. Jess beamed, turned around and tapping the man on the shoulder.

"Hey, there. So, I think you should meet my friend I was telling you about."

Shaking her head, Kate smiled and accepted the shot the bartender slid towards her with a wink, downing it in a gulp. If she was going to make nice with a playboy, she would need it.

"Bill, this is Kate. Kate, meet Bill."

Kate turned towards him, and the man leaned over Jess—sliding close enough to graze her front—grinning unabashedly at Jess as he grabbed Kate's hand into a strong one of his own, drawling, "Actually, it's Will. But anything for you, sweetheart."

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